Fire emblem is great
[size=+2]Zexion vs JackPK[/size]
Zexion's active squad
Cinders the male Cyndaquil <Blaze> @ Fire Stone
Sparky the female Shinx <Intimidate>
Jarfly the male Nincada <Compound Eyes>
Iron the female Aron <Rock Head>
King the male Slowpoke <Oblivious> @ King's Rock
Cerise the female Cherubi <Chlorophyll> @ Leaf Stone
Bergmite the male Bergmite <Own Tempo> @ Quick Claw
A Late Hallmark Card the male Luvdisc <Hydration> @ Mystic Water
Meadowhawk the male Yanma <Compound Eyes>
Tacos the female Sandile <Moxie> @ Muscle Band
JackPK's active squad
Gwen the female Spinarak <Insomnia> @ Red Card
Sheena the female Frogadier <Torrent> @ Lucky Egg
Lancelot the male Doublade <No Guard> @ Dusk Stone
Louise the female Budew <Poison Point> @ Shiny Stone
Luke the male Zorua <Illusion> @ Lucky Egg
Judge Judy the female Kangaskhan <Scrappy> @ Moon Stone
Bun Two Three Four the female Buneary <Run Away> @ Soothe Bell
NO my name is lululemon >:| the female Squirtle <Rain Dish> @ Rocky Helmet
Pokey the male Diglett <Arena Trap> @ Eviolite
Snowball the female Spheal <Ice Body> @ Lucky Egg
( Shininess not displayed, as functionality is not yet built into the [sprite] tags )
To begin
~JackPK sends out
~Zexion sends out (same type) and orders commands
~JackPK orders commands
~I ref
~(if Zexion, having made the arena, wishes to clarify the whole sendout thing, I will rework this.)
Format: 4v4 Single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 50%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Weather Changing, Healing, Chill
Arena Description: The Everchanging Bio-Dome: Somewhere far off in the corners of Asber, there exists an experimental bio-dome of wonders. Scientists have been testing for decades to have a single bio-dome where the conditions of multiple ecosystems may exist and be interchanged simply by the preference of the operator. Wanting to test something new, a young scientist attempted to make the ecosystems within the dome change at regular intervals, in addition to at the preference of the operator. This proved to be a success, and new sensors were installed to change the ecosystem at regular intervals according to the time of day. Scientists noticed something strange once trainers started coming around and visiting the Bio-Dome with their Pokemon. The sensors, rather than picking up the time of day, began picking up on the Pokemon's typing, and using that for the environmental determination. Should two Pokemon enter the Dome that had differing types, the computer systems crashed in the Dome and it had to be closed for weeks. When it reopened, the Bio-Dome had been re branded to a battling stadium. Trainers, who carried Pokemon with the same typing, could come to the Dome and battle in the most extreme conditions the Pokemon type allowed.
Additional Rules: The Everchanging Bio-Dome constantly changes the internal ecosystem if a Pokemon is knocked out. There are four ecosystems that will come into play over the course of the battle, listed below. While each ecosystem has a type restriction, dual-type Pokemon with the type are permitted. Each time one of the Pokemon is knocked out, both Pokemon are returned to their trainer and the ecosystem changes. For each ecosystem, the Pokemon must be able to handle the weather effects set.
1. Strawberry Fields Forever: A flat grassy field. This ecosystem exists in a permanent sunshine. In order to prevent any damage to the ecosystem, only Grass-type Pokemon are permitted in this ecosystem. Battlers will begin here.
2. Asleep in the Desert: A dusty and dry desert. This ecosystem exists in a permanent sandstorm. In order to prevent any damage to the ecosystem, only Ground-type Pokemon are permitted in this ecosystem. Trainers (and the ref) are loaned Go-Go Goggles for the duration of the battle in this ecosystem.
3. Ocean Avenue: A large span of ocean. This ecosystem exists in a permanent rain shower. In order to prevent any damage to the ecosystem, only Water-type (and bound) Pokemon are permitted in this ecosystem. With this battle taking place in the ocean, trainers (and the ref) are loaned suitable outfits and proper flotation gear.
4. Ain't No Mountain High Enough: The top of a snowy mountain. This ecosystem exists in a permanent hail storm. In order to prevent any damage to the ecosystem, only Ice-type Pokemon are permitted in this ecosystem. Trainers (and the ref) are loaned proper clothing suitable for the top of the mountain. Battlers will end here.
Zexion's active squad

JackPK's active squad

( Shininess not displayed, as functionality is not yet built into the [sprite] tags )
To begin
~JackPK sends out
~Zexion sends out (same type) and orders commands
~JackPK orders commands
~I ref
~(if Zexion, having made the arena, wishes to clarify the whole sendout thing, I will rework this.)