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Requests Open Zoltea's Sprite Mart


Zoltea - The Jolteon
As I get bored quite often, I kinda need something to do. Please do give me sprite requests, just don't overwhelm.

I will do Splices, Recolors, Revamps, Pixel-Overs, Type Changes, Rotomizations (see album), and Trainer Edits.

If you want to see some sprites I have already done, click here.

You may use my sprites anywhere, just please give credit to me.
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How about:

Lugia/ Ho-oh splice?
(Ho-oh as base)

a trainer edit:

trainer: Psychic (male)
Pokemon: Gardevoir
All done (took a while cause I had to go for a bit).


All you did was take Ho-Oh's feet and color it Ho-Oh's color. Plus, Maggie said to use Ho-Oh as base.

Try a Gulpin/Diglett splice.
I did use Ho-oh as base, just used a lot of lugia parts. O.o

Here's the sprite.
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That gulpin/ digglet splice is so cool! If i might, could I get a...
swalot/ dugtrio splice? just to go with the evolution line ;)
It would've gone bad because of his hair if I did that. Other black palettes could have worked however.
Using the DP sprite for Jolteon had angles and stuff that were kinda difficult to put on a trainer as I really can't scratch.
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