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Hi Butterfree :smile: people are having problems uploading avatars! but i'm not, i'm using a Wii U browser abd those don't let me anyways, but other people aren't using one like me.
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Apologies, it took me a while to find time to look into this properly. It looks like certain functionality wasn't upgraded properly when I updated the server a couple months ago and that's what was causing this. It should be fixed now.
Would anyone be interested in a power Rangers rp?
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
I'm thinking about making one. Definitely will have creature themed suits and zords. Should I go the extinct route, the fictional route, or the modern route?
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Definitely leaning towards a mythical creature route for that. And the Rangers will be delinquent high school age teenagers with attitude, who are being mentored by a former Power Ranger. I'm thinking Billy or maybe Kimberly. Probably Billy, though
Ash leaving the anime after a quarter-century of being ten years old?! Honestly every new generation of the core series games should have had its own anime protagonists all along. A new set of faces every three or four years, if you know what I mean,
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Some 14-year old crashed the Game Awards ceremony last night and talked about Bill Clinton. Kid, you were probably a fetus when Obama was elected. Also, did you practice that monologue while playing with your pet gerbil or something?
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
You might be onto something, even though I highly doubt Bill Clinton is actually Jewish
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
Also I have a few choice words for Hillary after she clearly gave the entire election to a moron by the name of Donald Trump by robbing Bernie Sanders in 2016. And the only merchandise the dnc had that was Bernie related was a highly offensive caricature of him akin to that of how Jewish people were portrayed in Nazi Germany. Seriously, Bill Clinton may be hornier than your average Greek god, but Hillary Clinton has an ego so large that is has its own fucking orbit.
Kung Fu Ferret
Kung Fu Ferret
You can obviously tell I'm still bitter about it.
Okay so i accidentally undid my pfp and now i can't upload a new one? it says theres some kinda server error

@Butterfree you might wanna know about this; although im not sure it has to do with this forum as another xenforo forum im on also won't let me update my avatar for some reason???
Does anyone really know when video games are done being made?
Individual games are done.
im sure there are deadlines to get software onto cartridges before shipment but honestly there's gotta be work happening right up to the last minute and a little bit past that, there's a lot of crunch time with development studios and a bunch of little tweaks
I see.
Discovered a paradox today. Rick Astley has a collection of every Pixar movie ever. And you are allowed to borrow any of them, except for one! This being "Up". If you ask for this movie, he needs to make an impossible decision. Rick Astley has to either give you Up, or, let you down!
Happy 20th anniversary to tcodf! I wish I had joined while the forums were more active, but 12 yr old me was too shy
South Park was right about Kanye West all along! He can't take a joke... And his ego has its own fucking orbit!
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