onion witch
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- she/her
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
She asked me what I was spoiled on before the game, so that that stuff could be left out. The rest should be publicly available information e.g. the nanobots thing.Mmm, okay. So Butterfree wouldn't actually be aware of what you did and didn't know about, necessarily.
Got it, thanks. I misunderstood the situation.She asked me what I was spoiled on before the game, so that that stuff could be left out. The rest should be publicly available information e.g. the nanobots thing.
ah, taking notes! thats sure a thing i have done before :)Like uh, from page 17 or so up to here and then only the first 3 pages because I'm super slow about taking notes especially without an ISO fuction and I also want to be here for *~*~*LIVE PLAY*~*~*
i feel like i'm ddosing the forums just sitting here hitting refresh
i'm pretty sure it lets you know if anyone's posted since you last refreshed the page but like. what if it doesn't check often enough
I think the little bell icon has a notification dot if someone posted! But also then again I am also in this boat. My brain demands More Posts and More Content from this day 1 mafia game.i'm pretty sure it lets you know if anyone's posted since you last refreshed the page but like. what if it doesn't check often enough
Mmm, okay. So Butterfree wouldn't actually be aware of what you did and didn't know about, necessarily.
Petition to add aShe asked me what I was spoiled on before the game, so that that stuff could be left out. The rest should be publicly available information e.g. the nanobots thing.
I thought there was some very obvious way of seeing last posts in real-time and I was missing it. In other words, you three aren’t alone in this DDoS.i feel like i'm ddosing the forums just sitting here hitting refresh
i'm pretty sure it lets you know if anyone's posted since you last refreshed the page but like. what if it doesn't check often enough
I'm curious: what makes you say my role is so powerful?It’s less pouncing and more raising the consideration that they might not be town. You gotta admit that claiming such a powerful role on d1 is suspicious, especially coming from someone who’s played a lot of mafia.
ah, taking notes! thats sure a thing i have done before :)
i was going to ask you if you had any leans but i guess you haven't read that much. unless...?