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yeah. formal apology for the switch tbh, i got scared by this and didn't fully realize i was the deciding vote :(I mean my hypothesis aorn is that Otter's Just Mafia Here and claimed jester-like in order to sway people off her in the panic of deadline.
i think this might be what i was thinking of. eif do you remember who it was, i don’t want to readWasn’t there someone in the last TV Tropes mafia who died smiling and his role allowed him to do stuff after death?
Isn’t A God Am I kinda compatible with that?
it was Claire and she had like a triumphant grin on her face or somethingi think this might be what i was thinking of. eif do you remember who it was, i don’t want to read
i wanna hear from her exactly because i felt like it was a panic response that could've actually made it trueI am upset if we have a town vigilante and they didn't shoot Ottercopter last night
iirc Ottercopter's roleclaim was like, so close to the deadline that it might've been cutting it too close to be a bluff
either way we should vig her though
I liek Squirtles was a White Mage, so there goes our magic doctor, probably.
Boquise was A God Am I.
@Vipera Magnifica I know you aren't interested in playing anymore, but would you mind stopping by to say what happened to you last night?
And clearly, Ottercopter has some explaining to do...
I didn't delete my role PM from the last game, I have it. it's not useful. I was vanilla and then converted to mafia by a literal act of god (i.e., Butterfree/opal wanted to make up for the fact that the mafia were doing so badly so they converted the most active VT)
I am upset if we have a town vigilante and they didn't shoot Ottercopter last night
the maini wanna hear from her exactly because i felt like it was a panic response that could've actually made it true
tbh can you just give solid role details lolI'm kinda hesitant to post my entire role because it sounds reactive to me...?
let's not speculateI wonder if Odie’s the vigilante. There was only one death this night after all…
this weirds me outBut if I say what it is, it definitely won't happen.
honestly yeah this was kinda my thought but likesee guys come on Jack's flavour doesn't seem like a counterpart to that. I told you he was a mafia doctor >:(
yeah this is where i’m atre: the ottercopter situation, it was chaotic and I kinda went deer-in-headlights 👁 👁
the A God Am I trope sounds super interesting but idk how that reconciles with a not-mafia flip? seems p evil to me????