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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Aaaaaaaa I keep trying to think of stuff to post, but I've got nothing. I guess another loose thread about Kyeugh that's been on my mind is that VM got that PM (lol) about Kyeugh being town? And Mewtini apparently got one about Mr. Ultracool? But there's no way to verify that those came from truthful sources or if both of them are even real.

And I STILL don't have a good idea on how to start the swapping chain today. But I'll do that sometime tonight for sure so that we have a day to move it around.

Also also, still suspicious of Kyeugh, but I guess if Mist is our definite lynch for today, we can probably save the full roleclaim for the next day phase so that she can maybe get something useful out of it if she IS somehow a townie. I do think she should definitely roleclaim by next day phase, though. We don't really have a whole lot else to go on. Like, even if I swapped with Herbe first and it failed, that doesn't mean anything because we can never verify that he really is just a 3P and I'm skeptic of that at best as well.
with or without flips?

either way it still has the issue that the non-deep wolves will get lynched and the treestumps don’t count towards parity
no flips, but it's not like it has the account stealing nightkill mech
the idea is that the town wincon is to kill all mafias, which treestumping doesn't count towards, while
treestumps can still take factional kills

for context: I posted that sentence in a bunch of different threads on different forums as a joke for Chem
treestumping instead of nightkills is a viable solution to the deepwolf-punishing aspect of multiball
i can't parse what these words, in this order, actually mean in english
btw does the swap go into effect at the start of the night phase?

If so... not sure I should say what I'm thinking but I have a bad feeling
it's not you, it's me.
treestumping instead of nightkills is a viable solution to the deepwolf-punishing aspect of multiball
i can't parse what these words, in this order, actually mean in english
treestumping instead of nightkills is a viable solution to the deepwolf-punishing aspect of multiball
i can't parse what these words, in this order, actually mean in english
me neither. i just accepted my fate
treestumping instead of nightkills is a viable solution to the deepwolf-punishing aspect of multiball
Oh god, I'm so intrigued, but yeah, might be for the best if you think it'll be risky.

It's not you, it's me. Or is it?
with or without flips?

either way it still has the issue that the non-deep wolves will get lynched and the treestumps don’t count towards parity
no flips, but it's not like it has the account stealing nightkill mech
the idea is that the town wincon is to kill all mafias, which treestumping doesn't count towards, while
treestumps can still take factional kills

for context: I posted that sentence in a bunch of different threads on different forums as a joke for Chem
so wait, then nightkills don't really count towards anything, if the treestumped players are still alive for wincon purposes
Mafia's wincon is to reach voting parity (0v0 counts as parity)
Town's wincon is to kill all Mafia
Oh god, I'm so intrigued, but yeah, might be for the best if you think it'll be risky.
didn't want to say it but the mafia probably already figured it out

if we swap at the beginning of the night i can't heal you and you can't heal yourself; and if you die that just immediately makes me look guilty

best not to answer my question and i'll heal you tonight. that way it's like a pseudo-coinflip which one of us is protected
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