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mine is just written as like "you distribute ghost badges after you die. here's how you can distribute them:" and then lists the possible combinationsthat’s news to me.personally i think the bit that's weird is how the badge distribution has the flavor of bring given out by the pokemon
but badge distribution is something we all can do, and it's not even considered an actionIt does seem strange if most people have a free action and a badge-powered action, but if Tofu's second ability is activated on death then I feel like it makes sense for that one to be a freebie too![]()
oh, that’s what’s ours looks like too. i’m not sure i’m seeing the connection to them being given out by pokémon there...?mine is just written as like "you distribute ghost badges after you die. here's how you can distribute them:" and then lists the possible combinationsthat’s news to me.personally i think the bit that's weird is how the badge distribution has the flavor of bring given out by the pokemon
why are you italicizing and underlining random wordsI'd much rather prefer to Abstain than to Mis-Yeet someone that could be town
oh i was commenting on tofu's claim:oh, that’s what’s ours looks like too. i’m not sure i’m seeing the connection to them being given out by pokémon there...?mine is just written as like "you distribute ghost badges after you die. here's how you can distribute them:" and then lists the possible combinationsthat’s news to me.personally i think the bit that's weird is how the badge distribution has the flavor of bring given out by the pokemon
dk it just said "colorful scatter" was the move and I give away my badges through it. It made sense to me when I read it because it was like, I dead but my Pokemon isn't, so it helped me out? Maybe it's just to balance the power of my other role by making my Pokemon's role not really do anything, idk M&F's mind.
that's what i'm trying to say, badge distribution isn't even an ability, it's just something that happens on deathbut badge distribution is something we all can do, and it's not even considered an actionIt does seem strange if most people have a free action and a badge-powered action, but if Tofu's second ability is activated on death then I feel like it makes sense for that one to be a freebie too![]()
if it were i'd have 3 actions
Are you saying you can redistribute extra badges that you've received from other people?Idk it just said "colorful scatter" was the move and I give away my badges through it. It made sense to me when I read it because it was like, I dead but my Pokemon isn't, so it helped me out? Maybe it's just to balance the power of my other role by making my Pokemon's role not really do anything, idk M&F's mind.
*too subtle to get us to immediately start a wagon on her