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  • When your Sburb beta is installed, real or not, you must show me and Twilight a screenshot. Swear you will.
    Haha. Yes, that is a quote of me. Also, I was reading your conversation with Twilight. I lolz-ed out. Although it wasn't that funny.
    Oh. Mine is SLOW. Like this is what I just said to bring up this page:"Darn computer! ARGH I wanna throw you!!!! AGH!" And that is exactly what I said while this VM page was loading.
    Waaaah! Bachuru is online! I gotta say sorry for being very stupid! Be back soon...going to Butterfree's profile...
    Does that Sburb thing really work? :o Don't blow us all up with meteors :o I want to play this.
    Oh, shoot. I was hoping it was from, you know, a source I could reach. How is it working? Did you destroy the state of California yet? Or Texas? Or the entire western region of the USA yet?
    Also, what operating system is that? I'm on Windows 7 with Lenovo ThinkPad model R500. I should get a screenshot now... oh right, Print Screen! Yay! This is the screenshot (it's big):
    What, you met Andrew Hussie? I don't believe that at all. I am totally calm now. *runs around like a maniac and frantically searches for beta disc* What? I'm frantic? No, I'm very calm. *runs and looks on Google for beta disc*
    Gee, my avvie looks awful in Roar of Time style. I like Scyther Slash most, but usually I'm lazy and forget and leave it in Dewgong style. I really have to make Mewtini transparent. *searches on Google for Sburb download*
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