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  • I think I get it a little more after reading six more pages of Homestuck itself.
    That's what I read...I still found it hard to get...I'll read it again! Huzzah!
    So I'm reading Homestuck, which I don't fully get the Captchalogue at all. It's confusing.
    So you like Remshiram, I see. The only differences are the legendaries, a few Pokemon, and a few locations I think. I think the biggest thing is with the legendaries, so off of that, I like Zekrom. The end.
    Yay something to talk about :D! White. Zekrom is awesome. Dragon/Electric? Epic. I don't like Remshiram as much because of design, really. Zekrom looks cooler, AND has an interesting new typing. What are you getting?
    I don't have anything to chat about since you already know all about it :/. Oh yeah, I'm in the ASB but waiting till Sunday to do anything.
    Are you always looking at Who's Online? Wow. o.O At least there are thise things that notify you when there is a new VM/PM/Friend Request/Other Stuff.
    Hiii Terezi. I've been reading Homestuck. (I think I already might've said that. I don't know.) Got to Act 2. And good things happening. Also, you already saw this I bet, I made an album of ME and my SISTER and lastly, my PUPPY. Check it out if you haven't but I bet you did!
    I'd love to know what exactly your username means. Is it, like, some character from Homestruck?
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