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  • Hmm. Maybe. I'll just listen in on other battles, then. Which thread? Link please.
    Hehe. I was looking at the ASB Bank. I'm gonna get good at Anime Style Battling.
    So, hi! Now that you're here, let me test your psychic abilities: What have Zoltea and me been talking about for the last few posts? Also, what do you think I'm doing before and after posting?
    Hi. Again. School? Well, I don't know; I'm cyberschooled, and all of us people are in different time zones... it's noon now...
    Now, I finally actually checked out the Homestuck Wikia. Interesting, Animal Farm is better, but intriguing...
    Haha. Now, I'm working on a revamp...Yellow Seadra and then a Gold Cloyster which I'm working on.
    Haha. Now I wasn't here since I was doing stuff...y'know, work and that stuff...
    I finally got around to searching Homestuck. I didn't really pay attention...I was in the middle of doing one of those splices...I'm procrastinating right now...
    Hi. The shop is totally picking up, I'm gonna die if two more requests come ! :O Well, most of the work is out of the way...except for the revamp and splice. I know you saw it, right?
    *changes name to alphariolu*

    dispensing product
    Yup, I figured it out. You looked for my current activity. Or did you think I would naturally read them? EDIT: I'm gonna go make a splice of ALL Eeveelutions. Really. Be back soon! (Actually, I'll be checking back every two minutes.)
    Well, that's nice. I was reading the Forum Rules(of course, you knew that) and I guess I just have to wait two weeks. That's nice, I guess. Not as bad as the 30 pt for threee months.
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