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  • Aaah! I got an infraction! IUgaggruigugtsiutsli! Anyway, I got that out...I was warned from double posting...I got the 10-pt infraction for making like threee threads for close subjects. That is what happens when I forget I made threads.
    Lolz. I am psychic too! I knew you were gonna say something like that!*bangs into sister* Okay, maybe not.
    Ok, that's good. We have a sore throat cure. It involves drinking Oil of Oregano(which is deadly spicy and bitter) with juice. It works instantly, not a short term thing. It tastes awful, though. While I'm on this, my mom used to make cabbage juice...I really threw up, it was so awful. (I know you are thinking too-much-info.)
    So, feeling better? (You know, you said you were sick yesterday) What was it, anyway? (hopesshe'snotbeingtoonosy)Just a cold? Sore throat?
    Kidding, kidding :) The shop is picking up ever so slightly...it's all good except it's Monday (past 12). Well, to you, it's about 9:10, right? Anyway, I made a Yo Mama thread...with Pokemon. There was an old one, but I can't find it and revive it. The search doesn't like it, and it's so far back in time it'll take forever to find it that way.
    Thank you. I don't like it to be perfectly honest...it's not my best compared to some other splices. Like Mewtini pic. But then again, there isn't much more you can stick on Mew... I used most of Espeon's parts. Except for the hair/whatever things below its ears. But I didn't like that.
    Oh, sorry the image was defunct. Wrong code. Anyway, see the actual image? Like I said, it's a lil girly... but you don't care so yay!
    Hay. About the shop 'o mine... wow. Lots of views, 173 to be exact, but only 4 people requested. One wanted two. I liek Squirtles. And both requests involve Squirtle. Y'know, the meme is fun, but it ruined poor Mudkip...
    Almost done! Just have to upload it...it's a little girly...sorry. Mew and...oh whatever, I'll just upload it. EDIT: Done! Here.
    Wow. Are you sure? Woooowww. I think I'll go make a random Psychic type Pokemon sprite for you now... really.
    Gosh darn it! I thought you wouldn't have seen it! Did you subscribe or something?!
    Anyway, to save you the trouble of looking through the thread unless you have, here is the resulting sprite.
    It figures that she gave me a Hitmoshi. She IS MysticMoon. Look at her old avatar. Unless you already have. Like I said, I'll assume you saw everything that I mention. I guess you're psychic like me! Victini and Mewtwo are Psychic. Hence my signature.
    YOU ARE STILL HERE?! Cool. I finished that request; I got another one. Jirachi and Mitmoshi. Hitmoshi is a CANDLE! Do. You. Know. How. Annoying. That. Was. But hey, I made it!
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