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  • Sorry if you thought I thought you are dumb. Most of the 16 year old people I know don't know what it is even though they spend a lot of time on their laptops.Edit: And yes, I do recognize that you are 13.
    Hahaahaha. Our posts are the same minute, too! Well, being EST and my computer being one minute off. It's a school laptop, so I need a admin password to change the time (not time zone) by a minute. I also cannot download anything (except Pokesav [yes, I own an AR] due to it being an executable file if you know that) without that admin pass.
    From now on, I'll ask to check but mostly assume that you were ahead of me.EDIT: I checked the number of posts on my catastrophic intro. Wow, 42 posts! Am I the only one that didn't quite notice how much my thread changed?
    Yup. We proved it. Check out all my conversations (well, except Bachuru who I don't talk to due to feeling too low), and you'll find they are close. Also, one of my threads(I forgot which) has a quick paced chat between me and LiLiJANA. Oh, I think my intro thread...I forgot.
    I know. I said that I knew that it'll drive everyone away...this is why it sucks to be younger. You can't wait for anything. I guess the VMs would be the fastest communication here.
    Well. I think that my sprite request thread would be the hardest to watch, since this is what will happen:
    1. I leave the thread alone for like a week thinking no one will request.
    2. I finally visit, expecting nothing.
    3. Tons of people yell at me.
    4. The thread is closed.
    But, I have about 7 or 8 to watch. Except you aren't the owner of 'em. And I'm new and impatient, being 9, so I'm more likely to beg people to come though I know in the end it'll drive away people....
    It was more of an unusual joke. Besides, I already have too many threads to watch...
    Oh haha! EDIT: I hate Monday. I don't go to a physical school, but I do go to cyberschool. Where my work is seen by moderators. Meaning I still do work. I actually like Friday the most. And Saturday. Just not Sunday.
    Same to you! Oh, if you are looking for a laugh, my intro thread is...uh....interesting.
    So that is how you let people know. I have learned a lesson: people who drink tea, eat cod, play Mafia, and like to go to people's parties and put drugs in the air are friendly people.
    GG: so fascinating!

    [I could see that for obvious reasons, especially when she asks to lick some paintings...]
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