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  • Figures. *gasp* OMG Sburb!!! What does it do exactly? If it works correctly, give me a tape of you moving stuff all over your room.
    You're here :D Hi Terezi. I think I'm gonna make a seperate banner shop, unless you already know that~ You obviously won't need them, though.
    There are people trying to make a Sburb game y'know. Like this one thread on the MSPA forums.
    Yeah, it does. It didn't leave a cut or anything, but it's all...swollen. It's covered by my bangs. At first, it was...purple. It looks normal now, but very tender.
    Basically Annoying Orange and FRED are YouTube series. Comedy sketches. I want Andrew to make a Sburb. I would beg and beg and beg my parents to get it. And I don't usually beg that much.
    Ow...my eyebrow hurts. Yesterday night, I got into a fight with my 4 year old sister, and she promptly threw a dog bone at my eye. Good thing I was on the computer, since it made me look DOWN, and if I was looking up, it would've hit my eyeBALL. And that would be very bad.
    Hurrah! You're here! *dances* OK, I'm done. Apparently Andrew Hussie has his own Hero Mode. That is niiiiice. Off topic: Do you occasionally watch FRED(which is a little annoying and stuff) or Annoying Orange (he's cool)? Yeah, really off topic. I know. Andrew would make a fortune(yes, even MORE than now) if he actually, TRULY designed a Sburb game. With none of those end of the world things. THAT would be awesome.
    Oh hahaha. I will just email the MSPA and tell them to give me a copy! :D Not really.
    Oh no! Hahahaha. Who's are they? I know that it won't work as well as the drawings. But it's awesome, even if it isn't real~I wish that dreams came true. Not the girly love dreams, I mean like THIS. Also, I wanna fly like a superhero. Really normal, but I have ideas. I'm not that girly. Not a tomboy, but I will yell at a bully. BADLY.
    Oh my gosh. GIMME A COPY I WANNA END THE WORLD! Please? Also, I'm gonna update the album. I look shabby in the pics so far, don't I?
    Two of my forum friends are on PST. Hm. LiLiJA- no, I mean Sweetie Belle is on PST I think. This makes it easy to remember :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D!!!
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