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  • I'm a horribly uncreative person; Terezi is a deino. (In the Daycare; gaaah I just can't deal with hustle.)
    So that's Vriska and Terezi? I always liked Vriska as a zoroark (although practicality led me to get Equius as a male)! I never saw how Terezi could be an oshawott, though; I named mine Eridan. :D
    Anyone who associates Ghost Trick with any sort of creativity (especially with some sort of involvement of another fandom I'm interested in) becomes great in that field. Fact.
    Oh my gog

    I just thought of the best thing.

    So you know the GLaDOS character I told you about? Well, I think I'm going to have them go god tier because they can then pester the person that killed them and recite "Still Alive", with the appropriate modifications of course, to them, like just a followup conversation to the GLaDOS character's death.

    So the biggest thing with that is removing Aperature Science (which I have already planned for) and Black Mesa. I want to name the character who owns the robot character Jack, but now I need a lest name that sounds like Mesa. Suggestions? There might be others that I think of, replacement wise, but I think I want to keep most of the song the same.

    So yeah, suggestions for Jack's last name?
    i have a 1gb folder full of reaction pictures
    and i cannot find one that would suit my reaction
    That's... interesting. A tad too much crossover, if you ask me, but what would I know.

    I also had this idea for a character based on/controlled by GLaDOS, who uses orange text and types the word GLaD like so and also capitalizes the OS combination, abd speaks using an oddly calm yet horrifying manner that is borderline psychotic, and also oddly specific while aso being realistic. Theirtitle would be like thane of rage orsomething like that, you know, GLaDOS related.
    So far one of my best ideas include using a robot character who becomes human upon reaching god tier, which would normally be impossible for a robot, because they don't have feelings and therefore could not have an ethical dilemma when facing their death or something like that. :l
    I've seen some of the pictures.

    I'm not a huge fan of reading fan comics, despite the fact I'm formulating one. Cul-de-stuck called to me though because it's Ed, Edd, and Eddy, which was like the entireity of my childhood.
    I'll make it a point to get it when I have the money. Wind Waker and Rumble are also on there, but I've been looking for something new. This looks fun.
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