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  • You can only have the effects of a troll occur once; when all twelve teleport there, the battle with the BK occurs; after that, Scratch; match ends if it hasn't already.

    50% chance of troll appearing each round.
    I'm thinking of making a more casual version when I'm done with this. (mostly because I don't want to have to figure out the hair again, and I'd like to use the same base, but edit the arms.)

    It would have a sweatshirt and jeans, with head phones around the neck. Maybe not goggles, in which case it would have glasses.
    looky! It has goggles :3c

    ...Aradia's power is pretty broken, come to think of it.

    Maybe give HER Feferi's power and let Feferi heal HP instead?
    Nepeta would use Assist and copy the power of one of her teammates
    Kanaya would give each Pokemon wise advice and raise Def up to +6
    Terezi would conduct an INVESTIGATION and leave a bunch of scalemates everywhere, which you might trip over or can be picked up and thrown
    Vriska boosts critical hit ratio and doubles the likelihood of the special effects of a move occurring (ie, Charge Beam would have a 20% chance of boosting SpA)
    Gamzee would make both Pokemon confused
    Eridan would grant both players scientific powers, boosting their SpA to +6
    Feferi would kiss both players, granting them +6 SpD
    To add to the below, Eridan would give everyone AHABS CROSSHAIR'S POWERS for +6 Special attack and Feferi would infatuate one random male. Also Vriska would boost crit ratio. ALSO ALSO Gamzee would do 20% typeless damage to a random pokemon.
    So, I think what I should do is make a platform with a big SGRUB symbol on it, and all the trolls will appear on the platform one by one and attack the players or Taunt them or something.

    Like, Aradia would be spooky and negate all damage done next round, Tavros would cause gravity, Sollux would make the Pokemon do double damage (or give them a substitute or something), Karkat would taunt them

    etc etc
    But then I decided to rename my Croagunk Bilious Slick, and this is a great name because Squorn does not like cursing and she refs all my battles.
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