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  • Actually, I found my other Heartgold.

    So if you can give me the Snorlax I can breed it for you.

    By the way, what gender is it?
    I believe that would be possible. . .


    (but don't worry, we still should be able to trade tomorrow.)
    For the Spiritomb, 31 HP and Defense or Special Defense.

    For the Salamence, 31 Attack or Speed

    I can re-breed them instantly to your liking.

    They also have no EVs and are at level 1.
    Not now:(

    I get Wifi from my neighbors, and when they turn off their computer I lose it.
    It is

    I finally finished it

    Why does it end with a christmas carol


    I was sitting at dinner minding my own business and all of a sudden I suddenly remember Starkit's Prophcey and I almost died of laughter

    which would've been bad because I was sitting by myself
    Ahh. No, I stuck it in the Daycare for a while in hopes of breeding another Chimchar like it, but I kinda gave up. :P It should be fresh.
    You said you wanted Nasty Plot Infernape with Close Combat, so according to Smogon, just a basic 252/252 spread (focus in sp atk and speed) is great. 4 in HP or Attack, whichever you choose.
    I actually love the Battle Factory, but the farthest I've gone is... 40, I think? OTL How many do you need?

    Alright, I'll give my friend a poke then.
    Haha, well I hope that he gets some good use out of them, then! I could never persevere at the Battle Tower, myself OTL

    Alright~ And well... there are only so many rooms in the Pokemon Center, so poke around? xD; *doesn't really remember either*
    Sure, that's fine by me. Like I said, I hardly play serious Pokemon anymore so I don't really care what I get in return :P Hopefully you'll get some good use of the Chimchar and Magikarp, though!

    By the way, my friend has to update his Wifi so there's a new friendcode. 16791418
    4495, he says. And the Pal Pad got cleared, so what's your friendcode again?
    asdf sorry my parents dragged me along for a few side trips and I got home a lot later than expected OTL

    I don't suppose you happen to have Dittos with perfect HP or Defense IVs? If not, just trade me anything; I'm not as into competitive Pokemon anymore.
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