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  • As it turns out, I have work tomorrow

    So yeah, I'll just message you whenever I'm ready tomorrow.
    Of course I'm willing.

    We can trade tomorrow

    You can keep them for all I care.

    Unfortunately, it turns out that the Siczor and Flygon are in another castle (AKA already in my White)
    Good news, everybody!

    I can get that Spirittomb/Salamance/Snorelax team!

    Do you want me to give them the Tm's for them?

    Dear Augmented Second,

    You have neglected the weekly sacrifice. Please sacrifice immediately or I will visit many plagues upon you and your house.

    An Anonymous Deity
    I'm the one with the ponytail on the left, haha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_QJRAoTGWY Alto flute goodness :o Our first alto sax is the soloist.

    This is pretty awesome, especially for a high school band. Too used to Benny Goodman, though, it really feels like it's missing clarinet. You sound good! I've actually been trying to play trumpet a little but I'm awful at it. (And nothing's worse than out-of-tune unison lines on trumpet (except maybe piccolo) so major props for that and articulations. The first couple weeks of rehearsal for Fanfare for the Common Man was... painful...)
    Oh hey I forgot our guitarist uploaded these videos.


    Groove Merchant, by Jerome Richardson. Grade 5.5 piece with ridiculous sax soli and 1 year sax experience? Check! Actually did pretty okay at it, though this recording isn't the best (a little muddy with all those thick thick chords).

    Just thought maybe you'd like to hear me :D Even if it's sax and not flute. I did play alto flute for the ballad we did, though!
    For band concerts I usually wear black slacks and a black sweater but that might stick out, so I'm not sure yet.
    Possibly. Director does know I'm trans, though. Just mostly amused that we're all queer, haha. I still gotta figure out what to do about concert attire, though, oops. Part of the conditions (yeah I had him agree to a set of terms) of me joining was that I do not wear a tux or tie.
    Oh Queens University in Charlotte hahaha. I was thinking Queens, NY for some reason. I would love to at least visit sometime, though!

    Actually that reminds me of when my choir/conducting teacher (who played euphonium and once played a concert with H. Robert Reynolds conducting) told us about how one year in high school they had to march an electric bass because they had no tubas. And the amp was on wheels.

    Anyway, it's a little different. Similar nerdery, but different people and more soprano jokes. Also more travel. Incidentally the other first tenors are gay. I have my guesses as to how I ended up first tenor, too. I'm really a bass haha. (But I'm doing okay because yeah falsetto.) I love singing, though. Really, a big reason I picked flute up is because I knew I was gonna lose my higher range.
    That should be fine. VM me when you're ready and I should reply shortly if I'm there, since I check this place every five minutes anyway :P
    Oh, I've been in university for four years now (going on a fifth...). I graduated high school back in '08. The only piece I remember the symphonic band even playing was Chorale and Shaker Dance because that is an ultra-standard.

    Basically my band director thought I sucked. When we first moved to SC from Germany (my 9th grade year) I missed band camp. In 10th grade, I got very sick after the first week and had to drop (because 110° heat + sick + sick'd reed/mouthpiece = please kill me; also I was on tenor sax so I had no idea what I was doing because lol marching with a contra clarinet? hahaha no). The year after that, he said I couldn't do band camp. And then I graduated. So all three years of high school I had to play with the crappy band playing literally grade 2.5-3 stuff. I only picked music back up the year before last when I transferred to USCA.

    The music program here is really tiny, no doubt, and not prestigious by any means. On the other hand, I've grown more than I probably could've at Julliard (at least at first). I'm not competing with a zillion other flutes. I had no piccolo experience, so I picked up piccolo in pep band and now I can say I've played Lincolnshire Posy in its entirety on piccolo (sans 2nd and 4th movements which I did on flute because picc tacets 2nd iirc and there were only two of us so we had to cover each other on those runs haha). I'd never played jazz in my life; my director handed me an alto sax my first semester to try, and by second semester, I was playing second alto in the jazz band. Having no previous saxophone experience (I don't count that week of struggling on tenor). I also play 3rd clarinet in Aiken's community concert band, which is actually a pretty good group considering it's rural SC. Not to mention the time I played with the Army Field Band, getting to see Branford Marsalis live, playing local jam sessions with an awesome jazz group...

    Yeah, so I'm not a Berklee undergrad. Maybe someday. But I have a home for now.

    EDIT: Oh! and I'm in the choir now, countertenor!
    I don't really remember music being played over the speakers there. But I do remember a balloon machine (yes) in Germany that played Route 1 music. Not even kidding.

    I really wish I got to do marching band sometimes :( Or at least have had a halfway-decent high school band experience. But there's no fixing that I guess.
    Listening and watching, basically. Lincolnshire Posy was the greatest test of musicianship thus far in my life. But the payoff is so great.
    Well half of it doesn't even have a time signature so.

    Still I had a solo in 2½/4, can't explain that away, now can you, Bill O'Reilly.
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