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  • It's okay if you're sad :( You cared about him a lot and put a lot of your time and energy into thinking about him and being with him! Of course you're sad! That doesn't mean something's wrong with you :(

    Here, it's a kitty!

    Phantom no like your usertitle. Phantom suggests a new one!

    *Phantom offers hug*
    Don't worry, you are never alone.

    And someday the pain will go away. Time can heal almost any wound.

    Have you hanged out with friends at all after the separation? I often feel better about bad events in my life after a good get-together with my pals.
    Well that's good you have something! I for one love having my movies have crazy weird endings that no one understands. It's hilarious!

    At least it doesn't sound like you two separated because of a fight or something, because he sounds like a pretty cool guy to be friends with.
    Sorry to hear <:(

    Do you have something to take your mind off of it? Like a book, a video game, anime, something?
    I saw your posts in the Grr Thread (and meant to do this yesterday agh) and I know it won't make everything better, but I wanted to offer you a hug. *HUG*
    I'm sorry to hear what happened :(

    If it helps, I don't think you're a horrible person at all. I think you are one of the nicest users here.
    the plot is amazing, at least for the original series and start of new prophecy

    give me an IM or something I must have someone to fangirl with

    (just finished new prophecy)
    well I'm going through it at like 2 books per day and not doing homework etc

    currently at twilight where riverclan falls sick
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