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  • omg is that what it was wow that seems... really kind of weird now because nidoking was a lot older than most people and light was about the same age as me idk. and oh god that banner ew burn it burn everything dreto related ever it took me until last year to not feel all like URGH at 30th december every year wow
    no it was me and dreto :B no other forum couple happened before then, i'm pretty sure. unless something like that was what made the light mightyena thing happen i don't even remember what started that
    Not much. Just remembered that you were one of the only band nerds on here besides me and thought I'd say hi.
    I had the impression the shot was supposed to have gone through Maya's sleeve in the box and avoided hitting her. Being unconscious doesn't really add much to the issue, given we know she was in the box. The sleeves are very long, so it's not that far-fetched that it could hit the sleeve but not her, depending on exactly how she was positioned and the angle of the bullet.
    What part of it are you tripping over exactly? As far as I could remember it was fairly straightforward.
    Well, the fact I've played the game might be more likely to help than my logicking skills, but. Where are you in the case?
    I just realized what your signature was. Tchaikovsky's fourth symphony, first movement, right?
    can you give me warrior cats mafia role list because I just finished the series and is finding anything warrior cats to be interestingly obsessive
    I'll see if I have any sort of a few-day-stretch of a break next month! I mean, I have plenty of time off of classes, but concerts, gigs, that sorta thing. Do you have access to NAXOS? (If not, YouTube exists.) I'd recommend giving John Rutter's Requiem (seven movements) a listen; I'm totally not-religious, but it is stunningly gorgeous (and fun to sing!).
    Happy Birthday! Frolihe Gerburtstag!
    Unfortunately, I don't know of any badfic, but I'll be sure to let you know should I find one
    Happy birthday! I haven't spoken to you a huge amount, Poly, but just wanted to say that that sucky feeling will go back to oblivion where it belongs. I admire your general attitude (and desired career. Very cool) and am extremely sure that you deserve to be surrounded by awesome people who appreciate you! Have a very not-crappy day if you can. And good luck with everything! You know you're lovely. Other people had better do too!
    If you are looking for badfics to cheer up, manwithoutabody has the best readings on the internet.

    My Immortal

    Midnight Sun

    Thirty H's

    My Inner Life
    I didn't know Butterfree had a cat.

    Anywho looks like I'm late to the party again. Happy birthday. I offer internet hugs as well.
    Happy birthday. I am way too amused that you have the same birthday as my cat.

    Also, I'm sorry about your breakup and general shitty feelings and everything. Internethugs? :(
    Happy birthday! I'm sorry you haven't been having a good time lately... but seemingly things are beginning to look up at least a little? Hopefully it continues; I don't know many badfics, but maybe you'll find some recommended on TV Tropes?

    Actually whether you've Madoka Magica or not you may like meduka meguca (youtube first episode/voiced, text)
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