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  • Huh, I thought that happened offscreen.

    This version makes way more sense. You can see Bluestar actually caring Oakheart exists, which is good, because the real version seems to have thrown that detail in spur of the moment later on. And the part about killing cats being a super-bad thing to do is here now instead of changing later. Also, now Tigerclaw's way smarter! It was always weird he made up a brand new reason for the death and just hoped and hoped RiverClan would never speak up. Why didn't RiverClan speak up.

    I'm on The Darkest Hour now! Firestar's really annoying. He keeps suspecting Bramblepaw for non-reasons and he just pushed Darkstripe away for good. It's also annoying that apparently Darkstripe just was bad anyway. Firestar shouldn't have been pushing on him but then the book is like "actually you were right Firestar Darkstripe's an evil cat!! it's good you did all this mean stuff to him or else it could've turned out even worse!!" Noooo. Also he treated Longtail and Dustpelt way more nicely, so why did he magically know Darkstripe was a bad cat and keep being mean.

    Also he keeps randomly being super-in love with Spottedleaf and then forgetting all about her.

    "Cinderpelt I have to listen to Spottedleaf!!!!"
    "You treat her like she was still alive!"

    This part is weird because was he meant to say he has to listen to StarClan? Like, if Spottedleaf keeps coming to him over and over and over it seems pretty regular he'd say Spottedleaf specifically. Why does it mean he acts like she's alive.

    "I know Spottedleaf was special to you, Fireheart."

    Cinderpelt how do you know. How does Fireheartstarcat know. One time Graystripe said she was pretty and Fireheart was like okay whatever Graystripe I've got more important things to do and apparently Graystripe told the whole clan that Fireheart's disinterest proved his love because no cat was around for anything that actually showed any interest. Because there just plain wasn't any. Was Cinderpelt even born back then.

    "They hadn't had enough time in life to share their true feelings for each other."

    Firestar okay. Why is he super-confident Spottedleaf loved him, too. Did she speak any words to him ever besides when she kicked him out of her den. Like, Sandstorm's around him all the time and even when Cinderpelt told Firestar she liked him he didn't believe her. But Spottedleaf says get out of my den and Firestar knows it's love. Okay. Okay sure.

    Also I'm really confused rereading because now apparently they both a great soulmate relationship offscreen. The other times I read the series I thought Firestar just developed a random crush on her after she died. And I thought when she was like "pay attention to Sandstorm" that that was from being annoyed at his random crush.

    Also Spottedleaf just gave him the okay or whatever for Sandstorm and he's super-relieved that she approves of his new love even though they were soulmates so now he doesn't have to feel like he's cheating on her. But he never thought of this until that moment??? And so far he's never thought of it again.

    Also how come Runningwind gave him a life! They didn't seem that close, they just talked a couple of times. Was there no other cat he actually knew who died? I'm not sure about this.

    Also it's bothering me that Gray and Fire both got apprenctices as soon as they were made Warriors, but later on Firestar talks about giving Sandstorm and Dustpelt both apprentices and Cinderpelt says "Are you sure it's a good idea to have two inexperienced mentors at the same time?" Why not, if it was fine when it was Graystripe and Fireheart.

    Also I haven't seen this mentioned on this inconsistency threads you've shown! When Cloudkit hunted his first prey, every cat was really really mad at him because it's against the Warrior code for kits to hunt. But later a kit (Bramblekit?) hunts and everyone is proud of him and sees no problem with it. Also kits are allowed out of camp way more often now even though I think it was against the code or something for a kit to leave camp before?? Maybe it wasn't, though.

    Also whyyyyyy do cats keep having deathberry problems. It just keeps happening and happening and yet no cat has decided to warn others to not eat red berries. Sorrelkit had no idea what a death berry was. Why isn't it mandatory by now to tell kits about death berries as soon as they can understand language??? Do they just not care.

    Also why does some cat give Firestar the gift of mentoring. What does it mean to "have" mentoring in you. Why didn't the cat explain it a way that made sense.

    And oh I just ran out of characters. You needed to know all of that, right.
    http://www.maths.uq.edu.au/~infinity/Infinity%2012/hexaflex.html This is the one that helped me! A problem is it doesn't teach you how to make the equilateral triangles in the first place.

    http://mathematische-basteleien.de/flexagons.htm This one is decent except for there's a wrong part on it.

    "Draw a strip of ten equilateral triangles with compasses and ruler." Every tutorial says this! But if you watch Vi Hart, you'll see that she pretty obviously doesn't have compasses and rulers. This path is just doomed to make hexaflexagons a miserable experience. Plus, how typical is it for people to have compasses just laying around in their homes?????

    One route you could take is finding a hexaflexagon template and printing it out! Like, here's one. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ITCaSbmmr3E/UHbbcB6YgOI/AAAAAAAAAEU/rlkcHCq02d0/s1600/hexaflexagon+template.jpg Then you can fold the triangles on the lines and number them.

    But, secretly, there's a non-compass non-template way to fold perfectly equilateral triangles!! Actually, there are multiple ways, but here's the one that I think is easiest (don't be fooled into thinking it has to be hard by all the text, I just type a lot).

    Step 1. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16623407/draw/hex/1.png
    First, make a strip of paper. It has to be small enough that ten triangles will fit on it. If the strip is too big, the first triangle you fold will be huge, and then the rest of the triangles will be huge, and then you'll run out of space before you get to ten triangles. But, it has to be big enough that you won't make a tiny unflexable hexaflexagon. Don't worry about it. Just make a size that seems right, and if you fold and the triangles come out wrong, you can make a new strip of paper.

    Step 2. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16623407/draw/hex/2.png
    When you have a strip of paper, it'll be a rectangle and have long sides, and short sides. Look closely at a short side. It has two corner parts that it could stab you with if it were sharper (and meaner). Hold the strip so you can see the front of it. Grab the left-hand corner, and prepare to fold it on top of the front. If you had coloured the strip blue on one side and orange on the other, you'd have been seeing all blue (the front). And now that you're folding it over, you'd see a little bit of orange. Anyway, drag the fold so that it cuts the other corner exactly in half (bisects).

    Step 3. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16623407/draw/hex/3.png
    Remember your bisected fold? You should be staring at the side it's on, still. Grab the tip of the fold. It's on the right-hand side right now. Fold it over the front (so that you can see more orange!! or more of the back) so that the tip is on the left of the paper, and you can't see the bisected fold anymore. It will be hiding. There are lots of left-spots on the left, though. You can't just put the tip onto any of them. The orange part of the bisected fold had a bottom part of it. Drag the tip until the bottom part is lined up with the brand new paper-crease you're going to make. If you have the tip too high up on the left, the paper will feel scrunched and hard to fold because the old fold will get in the way.

    Step 4. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16623407/draw/hex/4.png
    You just made your first triangle!! Now the rest of them will be easy, because triangles play follow the leader. Flip over the paper so that you're viewing the orange side, or the back. You can't see the fold now. You can just see the slanty part. Like before, grab the tip. Fold the tip over to the left, and your first triangle will be back!! Keep pulling it over until your first triangle is all the way here so you can see the whole thing. Then hold it down to make a crease. Flip the strip so you're on the front again (blue). You're back to not being able to see a triangle, because you left your triangle on the other side. Bring it back! Fold the original triangle back to your side. Keep flipping and bringing your triangle back until there's no more room for triangles.

    (note: You might be tempted to stay on the same side and fold the triangle over to be hidden, without flipping. This is bad! If you don't flip, your new triangles will grow and become less pointy. Then they'll evolve into trapezoids. Nothing good will come of that.)

    Step 5. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/16623407/draw/hex/5.png
    Now you seem to have just one triangle left. Let go of it. If you made good creases, it will be a triangle spring!!! You can hold it between two fingers and tighten and loosen your grip to play with the spring. The more creased your folds are, the springier it will be. Sometimes it might spring away onto the floor. Bye. Be careful.

    When you're done playing with the triangle spring, unfold it and follow the numbering and folding instructions from one of the links on the top.
    I heard that you like warriors and i have a warrior rp that has nibody in it if you're quick you can be deputy :D
    Sorry for vanishing, a bad Internet happened! Thanks for the conversation, see you another time! Sleeping is a good idea anyway zzzzzz.
    I love your taste in episodes. :) I love all those episodes too, and Larson is also my favorite writer.

    Among the Mane 6, I like Fluttershy best, but it's fairly obvious as to who I think overall best pony is.
    Heh, my two younger siblings also think so, including my 15-year-old sister, who enjoyed Gen 3 of MLP (!). Still, I've always enjoyed the combination of cute and funny (K-on!, Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, and others like that).

    Who/what is your favorite:

    1) Character?
    2) Episode?
    3) Writer? (You can Google this)

    Also, since you're new to this, I'd like to PM you something. Is that okay?
    (An amazing coincidence, by the way - Aletheia got into Homestuck a little while ago, so that's now two people on my friends list who have gotten into one of my two biggest fandoms in the last week.)
    I guess. I personally think anyone can be my friend, though. To me....its more about just being able to have fun and have a good time with said person^^; I don't know many people I can talk fashion with much...yet....

    But anyways. I do like My Little Pony.

    Thats something I think I can talk about with you :3 But...not sure how to start a topic on it uhhhhhhhhhh.

    Did you like the Scootaloo episode? *curious*

    Well..I tend to ask people to be my friends often on forums so. .-.; I guess this group's kind of different. They want actual topics...

    I'm not sure I have anything yet :( Wish I did, though. I like inteligent conversing, too. Trust me. :3

    I have a mom who espesally needs to be talked to inteligently, anyways. I'm probably lucky to have her...though its nice to believe in oneself....

    (yeah if your not into overly strange people you probably shouldn't talk to me much. i kinda have...my issues on things .-.; )

    yo if you're serious about wanting to emigrate, you should totes look into student exchange programs. they still cost money but it's usually less than just up and moving somewhere else, you'll only need a student visa, etc. then you can kinda just scope out a country for six months or a year before you decide you really just wanna move. :O
    Aww, thanks! I'm glad if people get value from the posts!

    Also while I'm VMing you I happened to just see your drawings looking at Chalumeau's profile; they're super-cute!
    You play the piano?

    Impressive. I can play it a little, but not that well.

    Do you have a particular favorite piece of music to play?
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