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  • But it exists nonetheless and probably always will. IMO, just because you don't like pink doesn't mean you have to reject the stereotype. It's not hurting you in a way that will scar your life just because pink is associated with feminism.
    Never did I say all girls like pink. But the color pink is generally associated with girls whether you like it or not, and quite commonly it is used to symbolize feminism.
    yes No. I'm just saying, I don't understand why it makes you upset! I don't mean to make you angry, but honestly. IT HAS PINK EYES.
    ... the people behind Pokèmon are not thoughtless. They don't completely disregard gender differences in the human world, no matter how much you want to tell me they do. If something is that obviously female-based, then it is! I don't understand how you can even argue that it's not at least a predominantly female gender ratio.
    ! I forgot I posted something like that...

    Well, before I went online, I could only get called with one kind of binary pronouns even though I didn't like it! But then online happened and I could get called with the other kind too if I told people to! And then that was great just because it was different! The regular ones hurt the most because they were stabbed into me every possible moment. So it was better than that.

    Except then just getting called the other pronouns online, that didn't actually feel good, either! So then since no one in the whole wide world would call me other pronouns, the best option was to hide my gender and people still wouldn't call me neutral, but everyone assumed different genders of me, so I got a mix without the same certain "you are THIS live with it". People didn't "know" a gender of me, they were just making an assumption!

    So by the time I posted that a mix of binary pronouns was still the only real relief I had. I included "they" there but no one was about to actually call me it. No one called me "it" even when I had "call me "it"" as my gender (which I never liked being called but it was the only choice back then, so), and not even neutral, as you could see if you went and looked at other old threads I was in! So still the best option I had was to post Any because then people would call me whatever.

    Also notable is that I was afraid to do a non-binary pronoun instead of a mix because what if that felt just as bad! It felt bad when I got just one binary pronoun, so why not with just one non-binary pronoun. That wasn't true that I'd feel that way about it but at the time it made sense.

    And non-standard pronouns besides mine all still feel weird I don't really like being an e or a xi or anything they're just tolerable because they're not binary (except binary mix ones like sie/hir then no and no).

    Then later I could get called neutral pronouns sometimes!!! And they were way better. And then everyone on the forums got together and agreed on one whole binary pronoun to call me all of a sudden? ?_? That was really creepy! But I didn't do anything because I had "Any" after all so how could I fight it if people interpreted "Any" as "everyone should get together and pick just one binary pronoun for this person to consistently use instead of looking at the pronoun field like for everyone else".

    Then I found vi/vir/vim and was really happy but how could I change it to that on the forums what would happen. Except I finally did because I kept crying about being called the wrong pronouns and realized that that was not good.

    So now you have the whole story about pronouns.
    i'm not even usually in #tcod for a whole day anyway because my laptop tends to go to sleep if i go off and do something else for ten minutes. when I'm in at night for you it's usually shortly after waking up because that's when everyone's in and talking about stuff - i could come in during my night but nobody's really around, so. when i'm home all day i go in periodically and see if anything's happening, but i'm not usually in for long periods of time unless i'm talking, just because i don't like to sit in front of the laptop for hours and hours.
    And why does nocat every talk about SkyClan again? ?_? It was mentioned in the first starcats book as the prologue but that's just to remind the reader about the prophecy so it really doesn't count. Does nocat ask to explain where he went? Does he not tell that it was a success? Nocat ever even mentions he went on a journey. It's just conveniently covered up.

    And fine >:(

    And oh! When should I read the manga ones... If I can even find them to read? I remember reading a few pages of it at a bookstore and it was so, so terribly written. And boring. Does it stay that way the entire time.

    Also spoilers shouldn't be allowed in the cat lists in the beginning, that's mean. Graystripe and Millie are on the one for the first starcat book!! Why, book. I already knew but why.

    Also "Warrior's Return" as a title for one of the Graystripe mangas is a spoiler. No...
    Woah I was really confused at first because I thought all the "Brambleclaw:" things with colons were you making the cats talk. I was so confused who Brambleclaw thought needed to tell Squirrelflight things.

    And oh if it's not mentioned I guess I'll just assume he did!! They have like kits now and everything it'd be really scary if he kept it from her forever! He'd always feel conflicted about that. :( And if she every found out from anycat (don't Tigerstar and Hawkfrost keep doing stuff later) besides him somehow it would be really bad.

    It's weird because he ran out and was like "I couldn't save Firestar!! Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost were there I couldn't fight both of them!" Like... Brambleclaw's a loyal cat! Does nocat notice that Ashfur either assumed Brambleclaw was part of attacking Firestar, or else that maybe Brambleclaw *was* doing something that showed that and Ashfur was the only one to see it? Those are the two implications there.

    He is. :( I guess that's why he didn't get a point-of-view book.

    But when Willowpaw has a Moonpool dream, Leafpool doesn't say you can't tell anycat! She says you can't tell anycat until you've got an idea what it might mean. And isn't her dream about Feathertail's message for Crowfeather a Moonpool dream? But when Firestar gets his nine lives from StarClan he asks Silverstream for a message and then the text is like "actually she couldn't anyway because nocat can share StarClan dreams". Also he spends a lot of energy for a while being so sad that Cinderpelt can't tell him anything about her dreams.

    hmmm I guess I can see a case for Cinderpelt when you put it like that. I always read it as that medicine cat was her real destiny and she missed being a warrior but loved being a medicine cat so much that it overwhelmed any problems! Also oh it makes sense as " so well starclan decided they'd go for it.", though. Like I guess it's few cats who are conflicted even a little about which path they take! Leafpool doesn't want to be a warrior at all, she just wants Crowfeather. Spottedleaf apparently had a crush on Firestar and thinks it's the truest love, but same thing; she didn't want to be a Warrior. I can't think of any other cat who's even a tiiiiny bit sad about if they're a warrior or a medicine cat.

    Oh yeah, I was wondering, what do cats do if they really loved somecat a lot, but then the somecat dies and they find a new mate who they love a lot! Do they have to make a choice? :( I'd imagine Firestar and Sandstorm would stay together because who even is Spottedleaf you barely knew she existed when you were alive, Firecat. And maybe Crowfeather and Feathertail would stay together, or at least he wouldn't switch to Leafpool, because he's just awful to Leafpool. But what about like Graystripe! What does he do when he dies?

    Some cats could happily be polyamorous, probably! But StarClan cats can still experience negative emotions like jealousy and things, they're not perfect! And even if they were perfect I so so so don't buy that polyamorous is a mark of perfection. Neither way is perfect it just depends on whoever.

    Oh also I feel bad for Darkstripe getting stuck in the dark forest. :( There was a lot of pressure on him to follow Tigerstar! I thought he'd go to StarClan and regret that stuff a lot but be a nice cat now. :( Also I thought dark forest happened because Tigerstar was so incredibly amazingly evil that it popped into existence just for him. So I was confused that any other cat could go there instead of StarClan. I don't know, I confused Darkstripe with Dustpelt and Longtail a lot because they're all treated exactly the same for a while! So maybe that's the only reason I feel sad for him. But kitties. :(

    And oh those are good points about Gorsepaw I forgot it was such a long time ago and also that Graystripe was younger. That makes more sense! Also oh Whiteclaw not Whitethroat. Whitethroat was Littlecloud's friend.

    hm I guess by the time Brambleclaw finally brought it up again they needed a real, permanent deputy. Also what do you mean they know Graystripe's not dead! All the cats bothering Firecat about it think he is? Mousefur and Dustpelt think so! Though I guess when it first happened all the cats thought he must be alive.

    Oh yeah I guess he did lead the clan then. He just seems really impulsive! I was thinking about that time there was a border skirmish or something and Firestar told everycat to stay back but Graystripe attacked anyway and wouldn't listen to orders. And then whoever the point of view cat was was going "wow I bet he's really upset his deputy embarrassed him in front of another clan..." He's had a lot of time to grow since then, though, I guess.
    And oh I meant to ask is Gorsetail meant to be alive when the kitties are in cages? Is it Gorsepaw back from the dead, or is there a new Gorsekitty. Maybe no one knows. Also why does Firestar never mention Gorsepaw ever again. Him and other cats cry over total stranger cats they feel responsible for for ages (like Whitethroat for Graystripe), but he just forgets all about Gorsepaw once he's dead. Maybe he wasn't really that sad?

    Also I don't get why nocat suggested to Firestar after the first time that temporary deputies are allowed. A cat said it once and then it was never brought up again. What's wrong with temporary deputies? Apparently there was no problem when Hawkfrost was one (besides that it made him mad), so why couldn't it happen in ThunderClan? Also does anycat ever talk about that even though Graystripe was a good deputy that maybe he wouldn't have been a great leader once Firestar was gone? Also would the authors ever let ThunderClan be led by somecat called Graystar. Like that's an actual question they seem to like giving really important cats more dramatic names. But I can see Graystripe having no idea how to go on leading the clan without Firestar. And he makes lots of spontaneous decisions and disobeys orders and attacks other cats and things, even as deputy.

    Who does became leader when Firestar's gone, anyway? Is it Brambleclaw? Bramblestar?? Who does the new leader appoint as deputy! Unless it's meant to be shocking or surprising. Then don't tell me.
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