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  • oh hi

    we share time zones! whoo.

    yeah idk I woke up because a pillow hit my face
    One of my friends told me he once found a Mystery Dungeon game lying on the sidewalk at his high school.

    It still worked, so he kept it and played it.
    !! Now it has ten thousand signatures instead of nine thousand.

    Precedent on Wikipedia no. Precedent anywhere? e(y)/eir/em is the most standard one I'm pretty sure! It's even used for neutral by people who think non-binary issues are dumb, where other neutrals or "neutrals" (sie/hir you are not a neutral) are as far as I know only used by people who actually care about trans* issues!

    That's a good video, right!!! It was exciting I want to contact my congressperson now. I don't know what I'd say to em but. Maybe I could go to a town hall meeting!!! That would be neat.
    Hey Poly do you want to help me find trans* blogs to ask if they can share the non-binary recognition petition! (here it is in case you lost the link https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/recognize-non-binary-genders/80HYg71P )

    Also for Wikipedia apparently if you want a new community standard you have to post in a talk page thing about it!

    Also did you know you can contact your congressperson way more easily than it seems. You can even arrange to meet em in person :o Or go to a congress meeting! Or even run for office!! Apparently running for office isn't hard. I don't know what use this has just now but it's tangentially relevant so. Look! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgi96F6VwaM&list=UUCODtTcd5M1JavPCOr_Uydg&index=34 (7:11 minutes with pretty pictures.)
    I just remembered now that one of the main characters in Being John Malkovich has transgender desires. It's also a really awesome movie; you should watch it.
    Nope, I live at home. My university is nearby to my house, so it would be a waste of money to rent a dorm room.
    I still don't recognise them...

    I've got to ask, but has someone complained or something, cuz generally speaking no one seemed particularly bothered?
    No disrespect to you, but I already have a GCSE in English Language (granted I got it about 13 years ago) and it does contain the word "man"! And I'm afraid I must ask about this "sie/hir/hirs" as I don't recognise them, and I'm pretty familiar with French, Spanish and a bit of Japanese!
    You can Telemann by where he likes to live. I just Toch a trip Orff into one of the Wilder areas Faure Wieck, and to be Verdi Franck, it nearly drove Menotti.
    I know opinion Varese, but even Vivaldi urban noises, the Bizet traffic, De Falla engines, as well as knowing there are Mennin the streets Callas enough to knock your Bloch off. I couldn't resist the urge to Galuppi home early Satie, and I Haieff to say I Still prefer the Mitropoulos. The Boyce were Sor that I had Gibbons up and succumbed to the Riegger of the Field so easily, but I don't give a Schuetz.
    I was practically Krein from my Severacs and Pains brought on by that brief time in the countryside! Even the sounds got my Dandrieu up; let me Liszt some of them: the Rorem of the wind, a constant Birtwhistle, the Menuhin of the Katz, the Lipatti-Patti-Glinka-Poulenc of the Reiner on the roof, the Gluck-Gluck of the hens, and every morning a woodpecker or some Byrd Chopin holes in a Tree. My only company was a Thorne Busch, a Partch of poison Ives, a Braun Babbit, and sometimes a Wolf, nothing Moore. For a Forrest Grainger it may be Fine - it may be the Katz Milhaud -- but I could have died of Borodin. A friend suggested my making this Tureck; "Abegg" his pardon, but I will never go Bach to those Gotterdaemmerung Hillis. They Suk!
    No, I don't care for the Ruggles life. I like a good Mehul - - a little Suppe, some Szigeti, maybe some Salome at my local Taverner with a little lime Schubert after (even if they don't always clear the Crumbs off the table). And I like to Locatelli while I'm Eaton Maderna at night. Is that asking for Egk in Meyerbeer?
    Nono! So many people Berio themselves under a Holst of problems they know they can't Handel. Their answer is too Offenbach to nature - - into Haydn, it seems to me. I Karajan a d'Indy life in the Berg for the most Paert. Maybe it isn't Perle Bliss for everybody, but it's Godunov for me.
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