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  • Lots of things like that are interesting!! Also what else is interesting is that if you bold a word in a sentence, it sounds different than it you use italics. Other emphasis-types sound different, too! It really bothers me when stuff turns asterisk-emphasis into either bold or italic, because I actually *use* asterisk emphasis on purpose, not just because I can't use bold or italics! If I didn't want asterisk emphasis, I'd change my sentence.

    I'm reading about Jaykitty now!!

    Yay Brambleclaw turned nice. Now him and Squirrelflight are being nice to each other! I like their conversation about Hawkfrost where they both calm down and say their feelings, that's a good start! Bramblecat keeps secrets then, but it's understandable he's scared to tell her. :( I wish I knew if he'd told her by now, though. Has he? Surely she asked how he knew to go save Firestar... Well, maybe she believed him about hunting and was too shocked to think of anything suspicious; it really wasn't that strange that he found Firestar, some cat had to have.

    Also Ashcat is the bad cat in ThunderClan, right. Maybe saying Ashcat isn't allowed because there's one in WindClan, too. It was creepy how he said he couldn't fight Hawkfrost and Brambleclaw; was that part of the plan? That if he was convinced to kill Firestar, then Ashfur would push suspicion on him? How come no cat thought what Ashfur said was weird, anyway. I forgot how many cats heard it even though I read it a couple of hours ago.

    Crowfeather was really mean!!! It's really scary that he'd try to convince her to stay away from her clan when they were dying. He only gave in when it became clear that she was going to go whatever he said; if he'd kept trying to convince her, she wouldn't like that. As-is he goes "I know we have to go back now" and the text is like "Leafpool felt warmth all over!! She loved him even more that he understood she had to go back!!" which is clearly what he's aiming for there. And then later at a gathering he's like "it's alright I know you don't love me enough vo.ov vo.ov" which is just mean and guilt-tripping. He leaves her alone now, right? I have to assume he does because everything's from the point of view of the star-kitties now, so there's no good way to show Leafpool interacting with Crowfeather (and no point in him bothering her if the reader has no way to notice). Like a starkit could overhear her but it just wouldn't be any use as a scene that way.

    (they're star-kitties because of "~they have the power of the stars in their paws~" And besides "star-kitties" sounds cute.)

    Also I was sure I remembered Jaykitty being forced to be a medicine cat, but now he's Brightheart's apprentice. I was thinking it happened later anyway, though, like when stuff went wrong while he's trying to train to be a warrior. (Don't tell me if he's forced to be a medicine cat or not! I've read it before, but I don't remember for sure.) I'd completely forgotten about Hollykit training, though. It would be really, really mean to kick her out of that just so everyone could be mean to Jaypaw by making him do it. Too mean for anycat to do. So I guess Hollypaw would have to change her mind or get kicked out of it for some other reason first, before cats could make Jaypaw do it.

    I hope Hollypaw gets to stay because she really likes it. :( I guess if she changes her mind on her own it's okay, though; she had to make a pretty quick decision, so she might not have really been ready to give up being a warrior! Her disappointment at not getting to go with Lionpaw to check out the territory might've been hinting at that, but, it also could've just been a way of saying it's going to be hard for Hollypaw to give things up just like it is for other medicine cats. I guess the book has to tell me soon because she'll have to go to the Moonpool. Well, she could have stardreams and then change her mind later. Maybe. But then wouldn't StarClan be approving her and then de-approving her? Is that allowed.

    Also I thought medicine cats were banned from telling other cats about their dreams except for many the leader. Did that get changed or am I just wrong?

    Also I don't get why Cindercat gets to be reincarnated. Why has nocat ever been before? Why her? Firestar was crying all first series about how she was meant to be a warrior, but it was made pretty clear that he was wrong. So there's no need for the second chance. Also is her new name Cinderheart? I was sure it was, but I think there's a ShadowClan cat called Cinderheart, and that wasn't on the duplicate list...

    (whoops too many characters)
    Oh also adding more words can help emphasis! Like "Why do all the fake Fennekins have beards" won't work without italics, but instead you could do something like "Why does every single fake Fennekin evolution have a beard" and the more words help you dwell on the idea, so it's emphasized! Also the new words are emphasis words: "every", "single".

    They don't each sound the same, though.

    And whyyyyy can't Squirrelcat and Brambleclaw just talk to each other. And why is Bramblecat being so mean. :( Mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean mean. Mean. Sorreltail and Brackenfur are just nice to each other.

    Also reading Firestar's Quest helped a lot for Ferncloud and Dustycat! I guess you're not meant to skip it. Also I've been noticing that despite things they're bad at writing something that's consistently pretty good (besides with Ferncloud) is getting the reader to accept that aging is happening and imagine it! Even if somecat starts as a tiny kit, it's a smooth transition from that to them being a warrior and even an elder. It's interesting because in lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of books (saying "lots" a lot can work for emphasis instead of italicizing!! That's another example) I'd just imagine them as a tiny baby kit forever and be annoyed that the author expected otherwise. But here it works.

    Also it's telling that Leafpool is scared that Crowfeather's going to be angry. :( That's not healthy that she has to be afraid of that! Also it's not good that he's pressuring her to become isolated from her clan by running away with him. He could like give her some choice not just go "I NEED to run away with you I'm so desperately in love". Poor Leafcat :( She doesn't deserve that!!

    (I wanted to click send last night but serverrrr.)
    Non-zigs shouldn't be allowed, right!! The sculpture in the corner is scary...

    Poly I found a good tutorial for sewing sphere shapes! :o Now I could try making a sphere head can I do it.
    But I don't like "o3o" faces why is it making that. "Gulpin's appearance may be based on a single, giant poison gland or even a gallbladder, the green sac-like organ that stores gastric acid." Who decides "hey, let's make a gallbladder Pokemon!" And then who decides to do that and then proceeds to decide it should have a face like it's trying to kiss something.

    It was one of her favourites! She really liked dog Pokemon. I guess I like duplicates of ones like cute Eevee cards. I wouldn't trade things I liked for them but trading like Poochyena duplicates would work.
    http://pokebeach.com/tcg/ex-team-magma-vs-team-aqua/scans Poly here's the deck I really disliked!

    http://pokebeach.com/scans/ex-team-magma-vs-team-aqua/54-team-aqua%27s-poochyena.jpg I had a billion of this card and it's kind of cute but wow I don't need a billion >:(

    I had a bunch of weird Gulpin too and I don't even like Gulpin.

    I traded tons of the Poochyena to someone at school called Juanita, she always got really excited even though she had tons from me trading them to her. She wanted allllll of them.
    No, he goes to a different university, thankfully!
    I found out that he was cheating on me on Christmas (but he didn't know that I found out), and I didn't say anything, and I have found him cheating on me 7 times since then, and so I finally had a discussion with him about it, and in the end, he broke up with me. And we have been dating for 5 years.
    Oh I know real cats don't care about age much! Also real cats live a way way shorter time than people so age differences don't get as huge. But these are personified cats who are relate-to-able so it's still scary. Also oh are Brackenfur and Sorrelcat meant to like each other later... Also are Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight supposed to like each other?? There are already some scenes like "Brambleclaw was sad to see Squirrelpaw go but he didn't know why....." and I'm not sure how I'm meant to interpret that. Also isn't there something bad about Ashfur or something. I saw someone mention that somewhere.

    ! Yay Leopardstar and Mousefur!!

    And hm is it just discouraged for leaders instead of actually not allowed? I thought the whole point of Bluestar giving away her kits was because not allowed, but I guess it makes sense as allowed but discouraged, too, since what she really was hoping to be was deputy! And probably a leader wouldn't pick a brand new deputy who was currently stuck in the nursery a new deputy has things to do.

    Right I know Firestar's Quest is mostly over at SkyClan and things but maybe still you'd get the sense of "time is passing now" at the least, instead of one huge leap.

    It isn't nice! Bluestar and Firestar just get really weird about it like the other clans are permanently trapped in debt now.
    Oh also it's really really annoying in series one how Firestar and Bluestar woooooon't stop ranting about other clans ~forgetting the debt the owe to ThunderClan~. Helping a clan once doesn't obligate them to be your super-shiny-sparkly-ultra-best-friends-forever, okay. They appreciated it and some still appreciate it seriously what more do you want why do you apparently think they should bow down and support your every move now even when you fight them. If you saved them just so they'd be your friends that wasn't a very good reason.

    How long is Firestar's Quest, anyway! Like, in moons, not in pages.
    I want to read Firestar's Quest chronologically! The others I don't, so I don't know when to read them. There are parts in the main series like Bluestar being upset about Thistleclaw at Firestar because he's why she had to give up her kits, and you're not meant to know the whole story then, so I wouldn't want to have read Bluestar's Prophecy yet. But since Bluestar and Yellowfang and Crookedstar are dead, is there anything else like that? Also does it ever actually matter that you don't know something from those books or are they mostly totally unrelated to the main series besides the brief mention of Thistleclaw.

    Also wow that's a lot of inconsistencies that they should've been able to keep track of. How can you have Bluestar not even born but have Oakheart exist, who was in charge of that.

    Also I don't like Ferncloud+Dustpelt much. :( He'd been all grown up for ages and she was just a tiny baby and then suddenly it's romantic?? It was cute when he had a "soft spot" for her and I was trying to come to terms with the idea she could grow up enough that romance would be okay because I knew that that was the intent, but then you skip tons of moons before Midnight. So it feels like Ferncloud is still a baby when she has kits noooo. :( I know there are other cats with a significant age difference but none that blatant. It's different having a relationship with a cat who's way younger but also grown up than it is to have a relationship with a cat who's still a baby cat. Also warriors have way more authority and he was nearly her mentor and romantic anything with someone who's in a position of authority and can control your life is just really really creepy. :( Even if he waited until she was a warrior to so much as admit he had a crush on her, that's creepy kind of in the same way the thing with Jacob being totally in love with Renesmee in Twilight as soon as she's born was creepy. He doesn't do anything romantic and wolves are just meant to act like and older brother or something until the baby grows up but ummmmm. (maybe you don't actually know that plot point?? but it seems like nearly everyone knows because that's one of the big things people list as being gross in Twilight.)

    Also does eeeeevery girl cat ever have to have kits. I guess medicine cats and leaders weren't meant to but it seems like nearly all of them have kits anyway or have kits and then become whatever. Leopardstar's never been mentioned to have kits! Yet. Leopardstar you're my only hope.

    Also when I first read the series I was really confused and annoyed that Firestar had kits because I assumed "leaders aren't allowed" meant all of them. I didn't realize that it was because a cat kitting is going to put it out of commission, I thought it was just a weird arbitrary rule. Like maybe it ruined your connection to StarClan or something. So I figured Firestar had like, changed or broken the warrior code. I know now that's not the case, but back then I thought the clan had just changed so much they didn't care their leader was breaking the code! Also does that mean male medicine cats are allowed kits??

    Also so far Midnight has a reaaaaally boring start. There are way too many new characters in ThunderClan they want to introduce or old ones they want to give you news on. And so the book's just hanging out super-boringly in camp "and here's Squirrelpaw she's trouble look here we'll show you." and "look Ferncloud had kits now you know what's going on there." and "also Leafpaw!! and she's training to be a medicine cat and she's on a totally different path from her sister..." Can Brambleclaw just go to the midnight thing already. Plus he decides it's fake because him thinking about it would add a bit of suspense and we just can't have that.

    Also I was looking forward to seeing how Leafpaw chooses to become a medicine cat because I didn't remember that part and we never ever get to see a baby cat make that decision, but nope it skipped right over it. :( Littlecloud was a warrior before and special circumstances made him want to be a medicine cat, Cinderpaw only did it because she was hurt, Yellowfang was a warrior before and switched for mystery reasons, Jaypaw is forced to be a medicine cat because no cat believes he can do it himself... I wanted some cat who actually wanted to be a medicine cat when e was little but the book says too bad.

    I guess maybe I'll stop reading for now and switch to Firestar's Quest, though. Maybe that makes the transition to tons of cats and way older cats more gradual? Does it.
    And hm I guess Kismet's a baby cat and he eats tons of stuff. If he sees something vaguely edible-looking on the floor he dives for it and gets really upset if anyone stops him. Maybe that's how Cloudkit is.

    Also oh yeah Bluestar hating StarClan happened.

    Also I guess deathberries for Cloudkit is important to set up deathberries for Brokentail but.

    Also huh that's interesting about the bush! I vaguely remember that, I think.

    Also have you figured anything out about characters yet! :o I should read the super-editions I've only ever read Firestar's Quest. When at the main books would reading those be a good idea?
    He said he didn't know about the dog attack! I believed him but I'm not 100% sure if he was meant to be telling the truth or not. That's still kind of incriminating because he knew something was up, but he doesn't have to be an evil cat to feel forced into the situation.

    I can't pick up on the hints even searching and searching and searching for them. :( Maybe I'll collect all the scenes of where Spottedleaf exists in the narrative before she dies.

    I just don't know for Runningwind! I can't remember all the cat deaths.

    Oh I guess that's true about the training. Also Firestar is really annoying about Bramble and Tawny's mentors Firestar stop it give them to cats who make sense how is you training Bramblepaw when you hate him going to help anything. Also poor Goldenflower. :(

    But a cat specifically said kits hunting is against the warrior code! I guessssss they could've meant "hunting is against the warrior code because you were alone" but that seems like kind of a stretch.

    But kits keep leaving camp anyway!! It seems inevitable by this point. Also you don't have to take them out of camp! You can just say hey if there's a red berry don't eat it because how many red berries can there possibly be. Like even if there are tons of other red berries cats don't actually eat berries without being told by a medicine cat so they could just avoid the red ones. Also it seems like even warriors don't know about deathberries! Fireheart didn't seem to know what was happening at all when Cinderpaw kept Cloudkit from eating a red berry. I think if cats would just quit eating berries it'd be fine to have it be uncommon knowledge, but since cats seem super-compelled to eat them and don't find anything weird about being told a berry is a "tasty treat", then every cat should know about deathberries. Or else kits are just going to keep and keep getting out of camp and finding them irresistibly tasty-looking. For some reason. Even though cats. don't. eat. berries.

    Also was there a purpose to Snowkit besides to make Brackenfur sad. Speckletail's forgotten all about Snowkit (well probably hasn't really but it never affects anything in-narrative for Speckletail, anyway), but maybe Fireheart would've given Tawnykit to someone else if Brackenfur hadn't told him about Snowkit. Is that why it happened plot-wise??

    I know anyone could be a bad teacher! But you'd give a cat like. Good teaching skills, not "I give you mentoring" because that's weird.

    Well cats do like some not-meat! Like, catnip. Also nearly all cats like to eat grass on their own. I think it's pretty typical for a cat to have one or two non-meats it especially likes, too! Like Qwill likes seaweed paper, and Kismet likes bread. But don't the cats mostly find the medicine herbs yucky even once they grow up! If cats just liked berries in-story it wouldn't be so weird. But they don't just grow to like herbs after needing them all the time. Tiny kits who've potentially never had an herb find berries so delicious-looking that you have to pounce on them to stop them or they won't hear your warning words. I guess Cloudtail was a pretty impulsive kit but it just feels like "really."

    I guess I'd find it less weird if the berries smelled good instead of just looked good. How does a squishy red sphere look tasty to a cat. But you could make up that deathberries have a great smell. Cats can feel compelled to eat things from smelling them!

    Also there was something I was wondering about Tigerstar but now I don't know what it was. I remembered it in bed last night and then immediately forgot >:(

    Also! Back to berries, why can't you just tell a cat not to eat something if e doesn't know what it is? That's not as effective as "don't eat red berries they could mean death", since a cat might go "yeah but it seems really harmless... and most things are harmless and I want it so it'll probably be okay." but even just in camp, a bad plant could suddenly grow! How come that never happens, anyway. Isn't there at least one bad plant that would be happy to grow in a kitty camp?

    Actually, good plants never grow in camp, either. It seems like nothing grows in camp except maaaaybe grass. Maybe wild cats have anti-plant poison in their paws. Maybe secretly that's the original reason why you weren't allowed to let kittypets or rogues join clans and cats just forgot.

    Also it'd be interesting if there was a cat group who grew plants on purpose instead of just hoping and hoping the plants would show up and do okay on their own. Cats have tons of ways to do stuff like move water (like they've used water-soaked moss before); they could do it!

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090217081005AA3gSH2 hmmm.

    (typed this earlier but the forums were busy for ages.)
    ... also why are cats even so super-interested in eating death berries in the first place? Cats don't like berries. Kumo would eat a berry but he's a weird cat who likes fruit. How does Darkstripe get away with telling Sorrelkit a berry is a treat? Why doesn't she go "what, cats don't eat berries. Why not a mouse as a treat." Or at least wonder that in her head even if she trusts Darkstripe too much to actually question him.
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