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  • 1, 12, 17 and 33 of the following:


       /ʃoʊ/ [IMG] Show Spelled [shoh] [IMG] Show IPA verb,showed, shown or showed, show·ing, noun
    –verb (used with object)1.to cause or allow to be seen; exhibit; display.

    2.to present or perform as a public entertainment or spectacle: to show a movie.

    3.to indicate; point out: to show the way.

    4.to guide, escort, or usher: He showed me to my room. Show her in.

    5.to explain or make clear; make known: He showed what he meant.

    6.to make known to; inform, instruct, or prove to: I'll show you what I mean.

    7.to prove; demonstrate: His experiment showed the falsity of the theory.

    8.to indicate, register, or mark: The thermometer showed 10 below zero.

    9.to exhibit or offer for sale: to show a house.

    10.to allege, as in a legal document; plead, as a reason or cause.

    11.to produce, as facts in an affidavit or at a hearing.

    12.to express or make evident by appearance, behavior, speech, etc.: to show one's feelings.

    13.to accord or grant (favor, kindness, etc.): He showed mercy in his decision.

    –verb (used without object)14.to be seen; be or become visible: Does my slip show?

    15.to be seen in a certain way: to show to advantage.

    16.to put on an exhibition or performance; display one's goods or products: Several dress designers are showing in new york now.

    17.Informal. to be present or keep an appointment; show up: He said he would be there, but he didn't show.

    18.to finish third in a horse race, harness race, etc.

    –noun19.a theatrical production, performance, or company.

    20.a radio or television program.

    21.a motion picture.

    22.an exposition for dealers or the public of products by various manufacturers in a particular industry, usually held in an exhibition hall, convention facility, or the like: the annual boat show.

    23.any kind of public exhibition or exposition: a show of Renoirs.

    24.ostentatious display: nothing but mere show.

    25.a display, exhibition, or demonstration: a true show of freedom.

    26.an indication; trace: He frowned on the slightest show of emotion.

    27.the position of the competitor who comes in third in a horse race, harness race, etc.Compare place (def. 27b), win1 (def. 16).

    28.appearance; impression: to make a sorry show.

    29.a sight or spectacle.

    30.an unreal or deceptive appearance: The actress's tears had the show of grief.

    31.an act or instance of showing.

    32.a motion-picture theater.

    33.Informal. a chance: to get a fair show.

    34.Medicine/Medical. a.the first appearance of blood at the onset of menstruation.

    b.a blood-tinged mucous discharge from the vagina that indicates the onset of labor.

    35.Chiefly British Informal. any undertaking, group of persons, event, etc.; affair; thing.

    —Verb phrases36.show off, a.to display ostentatiously: The parade was designed to show off all the latest weapons of war.

    b.to seek to gain attention by displaying prominently one's abilities or accomplishments.

    37.show up, a.to make known, as faults; expose; reveal.

    b.to exhibit in a certain way; appear: White shows up well against a blue background.

    c.to come to or arrive at a place: We waited for two hours, but he didn't show up.

    d.to make (another) seem inferior; outdo.

    —Idioms38.make a show of, to be ostentatious about; affect: Whenever there are visitors, the bosses make a show of being nice to their employees.

    39.run the show, to control a business, situation, etc.; be in charge: My father runs the show in our house.

    40.steal the show, a.to usurp the credit or get the applause for something: That woman can act, but the child stole the show. He did all the work, but his partner stole the show.

    b.to be the most pleasing or spectacular item or person in a group.

    41.stop the show, to win such enthusiastic applause that a theatrical performance is temporarily interrupted.

    1   /laɪk/ [IMG] Show Spelled [lahyk] [IMG] Show IPA adjective,(Poetic[IMG]) lik·er, lik·est, preposition, adverb, conjunction, noun, verb,liked, lik·ing, interjection
    –adjective1.of the same form, appearance, kind, character, amount, etc.: I cannot remember a like instance.

    2.corresponding or agreeing in general or in some noticeable respect; similar; analogous: drawing, painting, and like arts.

    3.bearing resemblance.

    4.Dialect. likely: 'Tis like that he's gone mad.

    5.Dialect. about: The poor chap seemed like to run away.

    –preposition6.in like manner with; similarly to; in the manner characteristic of: He works like a beaver.

    7.resembling (someone or something): He is just like his father. Your necklace is just like mine.

    8.characteristic of: It would be like him to forget our appointment.

    9.as if there is promise of; indicative of: It looks like rain.

    10.as if someone or something gives promise of being: She looks like a good prospect for the job.

    11.disposed or inclined to (usually prec. by feel): to feel like going to bed.

    12.similar or comparable to: There is nothing like a cold drink of water when one is thirsty. What was he like?

    13.(used correlatively to indicate similarity through relationship): like father, like son.

    14.(used to establish an intensifying, often facetious, comparison): sleeping like a log.

    15.as; such as: There are numerous hobbies you might enjoy, like photography or painting.

    –adverb16.nearly; closely; approximately: The house is more like 40 than 20 years old.

    17.Informal. likely or probably: Like enough he'll come with us. Like as not her leg is broken.

    18.Nonstandard. a.as it were; in a way; somehow.

    b.to a degree; more or less: standing against the wall, looking very tough like.

    –conjunction19.in the same way as; just as; as: It happened like you might expect it would.

    20.as if: He acted like he was afraid. The car runs like new.

    21.Informal. (used esp. after forms of be to introduce reported speech or thought): She's like, "I don't believe it," and I'm like, "No, it's true!"

    –noun22.a similar or comparable person or thing, or like persons or things; counterpart, match, or equal (usually prec. by a possessive adjective or the): No one has seen his like in a long time. Like attracts like.

    23.kind; sort; type; ilk (usually prec. by a possessive adjective): I despise moochers and their like.

    24.the like, something of a similar nature: They grow oranges, lemons, and the like.

    –interjection25.Informal. (used esp. in speech, often nonvolitionally or habitually, to preface a sentence, to fill a pause, to express uncertainty, or to intensify or neutralize a following adjective): Like, why didn't you write to me? The music was, like, really great, you know?

    —Idioms26.like anything, Informal. very much; extremely; with great intensity: He wanted like anything to win.

    27.like to, South Midland and Southern U.S. was on the verge of or came close to (doing something): The poor kid like to froze. Also, liked to.

    28.something like, Informal. something approaching or approximating: It looked something like this.

    29.the like[IMG]/[IMG]likesof, someone or something similar to; the equal of: I've never seen the like of it anywhere.
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