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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • Guard: Oh no... she's not actually a rabbit... she's a... well, it's a long story and part of the secret... he actually cursed her to have hair that eats everything. Monstrous hair, like Medusa.
    Guard: It was because the Queen refused to tell him her secret... I'm not sure if she would like you to know... but he ran off that day and did not return to the castle for a long while. Until the time he cursed the Queen...
    Guard: Well... yes and no. He wasn't fatally injured... but his face was magically forever burned. None of the greatest healers in the whole country could get rid of his hideousness... and also, his heart was hurt.

    ;;Seems quiet in shame, hiding face still;;
    Guard: Oh, that's what she says... it's what she says because the Queen no longer uses her magic if she can avoid it... she has made a pledge since that battle... in which she severely hurt the man.
    Guard: It was... oh, you should have seen it... a battle of the elements! To this day, I still haven't seen power like that... the Queen is quite some Fire mage... the reason for the spat was because of a... secret that the man found out about the Queen.

    ;;Hides face with shame in claws, trills shamefully;;
    Guard: Aaah well, her and the man... got into a bit of a... spat, you see.

    ;;Seems to cringe at thought of spat, puts head lower;;
    ;;Sighs and then nods head;;

    Guard: You're sure?

    ;;Nods again;;

    Guard: Well... all right. It seems as if the Queen has deemed you trustworthy... well, there was a man once in Arylettopia... we called him the Measurement Man. And he was once... the Queen's lover. A man who would measure every single thing conceivable for her, for the Queen wasn't good with measurements, you see, still isn't. The only thing she would measure herself is time...
    Guard: I... can't imagine so... she's always found this form quite shameful... finds it rather debilitating. Are you certain, Queen, that you do not want him to know...?

    ;;Looks thoughtful for a moment, then looks at Blaise and makes a trilly noise;;
    Guard: Oh well... sit down, because it's gonna be a lo-

    ;;Growls, stares at the Guard angrily;;

    Guard: ...I don't think she wants you to know.
    Guard: AHA! Yes... I know what happened... it's that man... that Measurement Man... bothering the Queen again! I thought it'd be him...
    Guard: Yes, it has... didn't the Queen tell you? She's um... a bit different from most. But I wonder what triggered it this time...

    ;;Tugs at his shirt with claws, staring at the meat;;

    Guard: Promise to be good?

    ;;Nods, and the Guard gives a small piece, which is eaten ravenously;;
    Guard: Oh dear... again? Ah, I know just the way to calm her down...

    ;;The guard magically conjures a large tube of meat and sticks it in front of him. She stops running and breathing fire and sniffs it, then goes to eat it, but he pulls it away;;

    Guard: Bad girl! You won't get this until you're good...

    ;;She snarls, but then puts her head down and trills sadly;;
    ;;Gets on all fours, chases whilst shooting flames at him. One of the guards hears the commotion and goes to see;;

    Guard: ...?! Hey... what's going ON here?
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