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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • ... ;;Eliminates all hearts;; HA HA! HOW ABOUT NOW?! YOU CAN'T HAVE HALF OF NOTHING!

    Thinking about half of nothing has broken my brain. I'm trying to wrap it around that and... it hurts.

    Oh, you translated that yourself? No Google Translate?

    No! Not that! Anything but that!
    ...What? So everytime I half it, the half of what's left is still for the floof?

    Partially correct! But... nonsensical and some parts are very wrong. "Yes, and me too. But I'm not called Miss Arylett, I'm not a miss! I am a crazy queen, very crazy. I think that you think that I am very crazy, but you don't want to tell me. I don't know if you understand this, but I think you're going to use Google Translate to know what I'm saying."

    Well still, no Glooms either. Although I am gloomy.
    ;;Chops off half of the hearts;; HA!

    Si, y me tambien. Pero no me llama Senorita Arylett, yo no soy senorita! Yo soy una reina loca, bien loca. Yo pensio que tu pensia que soy bien loca, pero no me lo quieres decir. No se si tu entiendes esto, pero creo que vas a usar el Google Translate para saber que estoy diciendo.

    I always thought those were coconuts, not flowers.
    Stop with your hearts! They lie! They lie!

    ...Was that backwards or not? Because seriously, that can apply either way.

    No, I am not a Lilligant.
    No, don't love that. It's a monster that needs to be unloved.

    ...Darn you. Darn you to heck!

    Yes, because I have a flower on my head. Don't you know the rules, dahlin'?
    Shapeshifting so much that you can appear as a guy?

    (Once negrek lets us use custom sprites, I'm going to use these. I'm going to get signature attributes and moves so it's like they're actually bending. I even bought four Mienfoos and name them Aang, Toph, Katara and Zuko.)
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