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Bluberry Bat
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  • oh bugger i've forgot to time it properly. i'll sort that out tomorrow; currently using the dsi browser.
    and if he's in bed wake the lazy git up. XD

    you flatter me too much.
    A clip-on tie D: The real tie things, are for school concerts and stuff. 'Sdies I kinda like how ties look :>

    Whaaaaa D: Uh, well..well..

    You can buy a while cabbie and dye i-*shot* yeah no x3
    Welll, I also wear a tie/scarf...a lot so. Eeeeeeeee something that matches and did i really say that out loud o.o

    It looks like a newsboy hat but greenish and leatheryyyy~

    I lurves it :3 I remeber that a few days ago mum an I went for one of those bonding tris (read: go to the mall that has the only Nathan's in town and talk like scientists x33) aaaand we got this~
    It hasn't escalated to that point yeeeet D: Dun worry. I mean, the worst that's happened so far is when I was three and it almost completely failed and I was on some sort of diaylysis or something or other for months, and had to miss school a bit, thus...yeah, I'm in a lower grade by a year. (Entering seventh right now, almost fourteen in a moth or so.) But yeah, I..don't have much agility in running or stuff (leg cramps, but they'r growing pains, I think). However, when my hand doesn't twich (It's a bit..delayed, almost. When it does hit, giiiiant spasming and things sometimes, usually my fingers flick a bit and I hit the wrong key ^^;)I'm quite a decent piano player and apperently...kinda last longer x3 And I know what you mean. Among other things I get bothered about (they think my sweat has cancer. And the plauge.....just...what the fuck guys not funny, you assholes knew my mom had cancer and prolly read about my cousin and grandpa like anyone else D:<) this twitching's obne of them. As soon as they figured it out, I'm now a 'serial killer.'

    ...what. I thought this was an advan-I don't even try. It's nice though, when they screw with me for holding a pencil all..wrong, I usually get a better grade then they do in art. According to the school I'm good, but, Iunno. I guess I am, and when the pencil doesn't fall out of my hands, i can hold it normallike and it looks almost decent. I really, really try to not let it bother me at all really. Could be worse. I'm gonna get there eventually I think.
    No, it isn't much of a problem. I'm actually a teeny bit terrified by it sometimes...
    The only thing that kinda does bother me, is well...besides Torrette's i have this...incredibly faulty liver, thus, I have a...reaaally short lifespan. Worst case scenario, of course, and I am saving money *for* a transplant if it ever gets that close to failing again, but....yeah. The absolute worst is that I die...oh maybe a yar or two after your age, maybe. And people freak out. It's understandible why, but, when people freak, at least the ones I know, they usually think I can't...do anything, for the Torrette's and liver problems. THAT's the only thing that bothers me, that and...well that I can't draw so well because of the constant twitching. I try, but art...one of the few things I want to do, and well...yeah. I usually rage about that, of all things x.x

    It's really nice to know someone else that knows at least has an idea of what this feels like (er...yeah, I...kinda lurk around the LGBT club and...I think I read something about you having it or summat? Sorry D:) and thanks :3
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