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Bluberry Bat
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  • Tis fine. I just tend to check up on reffs so they don't get fired or demoted cause that's probably embarrasssing. O_O;

    I'm reffing it as we speak so it'll be up shortly. ^<
    No problem. I had a lot of fun drawing it. The shine kinda makes her look plastic though... O_o
    Well, glad you like it. What are you going to use it for? :3
    Yeah. In fact, most of the MM2 RMs are really, really easy. I can kill Crash and Heat without getting hit, Flash can stop time and STILL miss his buster shots, Metal's predictable, and Air's weak to the buster. So yeah.

    I think a lot of people think Bubble Man's easy because he's weak to the game-breaking Metal Blades. He's a lot harder with buster-only.
    The song is ironic, because I've never found Bubble Man to be the easiest Robot Master in the game. That honor goes to Flash Man. In fact, to me he's the third hardest, behind Wood Man and...*shudder* Quick Man.
    I will burn you with my flame
    Zippo is my middle name
    I'm done playing around, 8-bit clown

    Here's a bubble, have fun six feet underground. DEAD.

    So yeah. Awesome usertitle. :D

    Bah, you're not bothering me at all. :3

    Well, if you want to do a Mega Man stage...You brought up Bubble Man's stage (fwee, btw. :P), and that makes me think of a sort of large platform in front of a waterfall and hovering over a sort-of lake. Hazards here could be that rarely one of those frog-bots would jump out of the waterfall and spit the little frogs at you. The arena would continue for a good deal under the water. Hazards there would be one of those giant anglerfish things that would randomly spit out shrimp-bots every few turns unless destroyed. Maybe throw in some spikes for good measure. Naturally, the stage would have a LOT of focus on water pokemon. But that's just some initial thoughts and brainstorming. :D

    Yeah, I misunderstood the length of my DQ, so I'm not DQ'd anymore! So yeah. I'd love to. :D
    I'd love to....but I'm DQ'd currently. I was silly enough to abandon the forums for two weeks and came back just one day too late to save a match.

    Sorry...the second I'm not DQ'd anymore, I'd love to. :D
    Well, that and you just seem like an awesome person in general. There's also that I kind of feel a little distant in the community here despite having so many posts and feel I should get to know more people. :3
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