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Bluberry Bat
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  • ^^ Always keep your chin up, you never do know with these things~
    Heh, they've all got names :D Lessee here... (You can find them all here, by the way)
    The kitty is Nabi
    The bunny is Doki
    The individual members of the Jjintta Set are:
    Sam-ho (spitmask dude)
    Il-ho (leader dude)
    Yi-ho (eyepatch dude)
    The girl kitty who never opens her eyes is Hana
    The big gray bunny who follows and seems to like Hana is Gray rabbit
    The big boy kitty with the scar over his eye is Pizza

    ...Aaand that's all of the characters that have names xD
    Oh, the Spiky Bunny Gang x3 (Officially known as the Jjinta Set, by the way)... god when the one went in front of the car it made me cry more than the episode itself already had because I thought he was going to get hit and just ahh~ And I'll admit, when he went to the 'Pro Bunny x Kitty' thing and held up the sign it made me smile in a bittersweet way until I saw all the people holding the 'Anti Bunny x Kitty' sign right after ;-;

    Oh, also, when I realized this little visual echo... I had to watch it yet again. I couldn't believe... whoa. Subtle use of English Theory for the win~!
    Ah, it's okay x3 I know the feeling. I've been meaning to rewatch that again actually~ I've seen it sooo many times... I lost count at fifteen. It's like #2 on my list of top 3 works of fiction that have made me cry the most, so xD And I'm glad you like it, 'cause it's adorable and stuff~ The fifth episode is just... ;-; :o :D :') in that order. Oh, and I first stumbled upon it on the Day of Silence xD And yes, this world and it's idiocy... -.-;;;
    I'm sorry, I've had exams and had to catch up on some School work, but I'm putting the finishing touch on your battle as we speak. No need to sweat dear.
    Ohtay, ohtay, I didn't realize that you were kidding and yeah and stuff and *shot*

    Bleh helplessness bleh. I don't think I'll ever be able to live on my own. I've had trouble just opening cans of food because I literally forgot how to use the can opener x3 Also, I'm glad that the only thing I have to take is a vitamin. Though there are probably other things I need to take considering my mind goes like *~woo~* every so often~ ^^;;;

    Yeah, but I think everyone does that. It's just a forgone conclusion that everything's complicated xD
    Fwha? I'm not gonna mock you 0.o I think it's a good thing that you managed to figure it out. Everyone's idiotic sometimes, but some of us are more idiotic more often than others is all! At least ,that's what I think... You are allowed to laugh at/scold me for my optimism and idealism <^^;;;

    If it helps at all, I'm totally helpless too. I've lost my own glasses and a ring I wear... while I was wearing them. I tend to forget things I've done, like take my daily vitamin (which I have an alarm for taking x.x). I've literally forgotten which way up was and then fell down a flight of stairs. I tend to get verb tenses mixed up, making for incomprehensible paragraphs such as this (which is kind of upseting since I want to learn like every language ever)

    So don't feel bad! ^w^;;;
    aw, tanku. 3 vs. 3 meaning how many pokemon each person uses, single meaning ow many pokemon of the triner is out at a time and the trainers are paired up into teams. anything else? ^^
    Hehe~ So did I... Go Team Creepers!... is two people enough to make a team, I wonder? More importantly, should it be a team at all? Hmm...

    Yeah, I have pretty much the same problem, though it's not as apparent I dont' think... I get yelled for it a lot x.x... and yeah... stuff... words... typing... need... more... to... say... um... uh... ah what was I going to type @@ Sorry... eep!

    And thank you too and you're very welcome! (There, more words! :D)
    So true~ Horray for people not being scared...! Yes... I try to not be creepy, although sometimes when I find people particularly awesome I try to find some of their posts, and um you seem particularly awesome to me so I've looked through some of your posts before sorry x.x

    ^w^ Well, a lot of people just want to be heard at the CC too... so I think that you're still being useful ^^ But then, I think in odd ways like that...

    And sure~ I don't mind in the least :D I like talking to you, you're awesome :D Even if you seem to have rather low self confidence... And... *insert something appropriately 'oh well~' or comforting or somesuch about the friendslist thing.* (Yeah... i'm a bit socially awkward too at times ^^;;;;;)

    Um, yeah, wow. That didn't quite all make sense, did it... sorry x.0
    Heh x3 I can usually follow your posts pretty well. I think my mind is kind of... odd in that respect, though <^^;

    That's good~ I wish you luck as soon as your life in the UK begins and stuff and... yeah... good luck with everything and stuff! (I'm sorry, I find it hard to respond to things like that sometimes -.-;)

    You don't need to be sorry about ranting to me at all ^^ I always says, everyone needs to rant, so just rant to someone who doesn't mind or to no one in particular. And I'm a someone who doesn't mind in the least :D
    Thank you ^^ That was just a very awesome thing for you to say :D It made me giggle, despite how angry I was... Oh and since I just noticed the top right corner of this page, happy almost birthday~ :D

    ...I apologize if any of this comment did not make sense... ^^;
    Precisely. :P
    Then there's the symbol for you, Mike, and Mil. o_o I get bored easily. :3
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