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Bluberry Bat
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  • Oh, it's okay. Me either.
    You watch House too, eh? =) Well, I usually watch Blackadder, ABOFAL and quite a bit of Fawltry Towers. But since I live in the U.S. *hence why I don't eat very much of the food here..I'm strange that way. x3* I need to go to Youtube too.
    And it allows you to order box sets from Amazon and watch them over and over, which I do far too much methinks. xD

    So, tea, cod and foxies~ *sips tea*
    xD I don't watch TV so much any more... not since Interwebz came along~ And I haven't properly watched the Simpsons since... I can't remember when D: Still, Britain owns the US in every way when it comes to comedies, so I don't need to. :3
    It's agreed! Let us celebrate our arrangement with the adding of chocolate to milk.

    ...not entirely sure why that Simpsons quote leapt to mind just then o.o;; Anyway, how be teh Dwagie?
    Hai Dwagie :3 Just thought I should apologise for masticating your vital organs. Twas naughty of meh D: *noms your ear*
    I prefer tea made to sound like a Pokémon. xD

    As for the boxes: Watch this. Anything before 5:30 is irrelevant. Sorry for the delay, you've no idea how long it took to find a decent video of that boss ;.;
    :O Two Dwagie messages for the price of 1!

    Ah yes, I know how you like your Koffi ^^ And yes, they are most fantabulistic dragons. You must level them.
    I'm hoping that's the nan whose name isn't also Bielawa. xD

    My names are kinda boring. I ish Mike David Amos. I'm jealous of your great name... I wanna be called Sable ;.;

    *noms on your ear simultaneously* ^.^
    Nope :3 And I didn't read your post. So it's Sable? That's quite a cool name~ And Bielawa is... an odd last name o.o How the heck do you pronounce it? xD

    Anyway, got it! Sable the Riolu. Fortunately, I have sprites of it- for a moment thee I was scared you'd pick one I can't find a sheet of xP Anyway, you should expect to see her a-nommin' on Mike's ears shortly :3
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