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Bluberry Bat
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  • Hey there Dwagie ^^ Sorry to annoy you again, but I'm strongly considering giving you a cameo in Oddity :D If you still want to appear, give me a visitor message back saying what Pokémon you want to be (preferably one that's not in it already) and what you want to be called- Dwagie, your real name, whatever. (If the latter it'd also help if you could tell me what your real name is. xD)
    Liking the new usertitle, Dwagie ^w^

    Anyway, if the "omnomnom!" tag really wasn't put in place by you, then us two and Milla must join forces to destroy whoever it was before they conquer my ears. What say you?

    (Happy New Year's Eve btw)
    Yes, it was, but now I feel bad >.< Why couldn't I have had a crappier Christmas?...

    I'm really sorry about all that... I'm really not very good at condolences or advice or whatever, but I'm great at sympathy =3
    Hiya Dwagie! How was your Christmas? *puts some turkey and gravy on his ears so they taste more Christmassy*
    Yay ^^ Is it just me and Arc, or did I seem to be enjoying that a bit too much?...

    And yay for you joining the Mike Stalkers' Club! XD
    It's okay then ^^''' I'll just figure out how to distract myself...

    *goes onto DA and finds something that turns me green with unstoppable envy* o.o
    Ah, good ^^ ...urm, could you help me? I did something stupid o.o'''

    I watched the 100 Scariest Movie Moments at 1am...and now I'm scared O-o''''
    Hey Dwagie. Me and Milla were wondering, how'd you like to live with us two in a huge mobile mansion someday with a horde of our other e-pals? :3
    Ahhh yesh, every forum with us all in it has to be sooper awesome... Without us there's no caffeine/cooking fun. Heeeeeheee.
    Did you come here from Mike's influence as well? =)
    That's a damn awesome submarine then. =D How much caffeine have you had this week?
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