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Bluberry Bat
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    Now all we need to do is solve the mystery of the haunted bed. :0

    And yesh I probably should gets it. When I'm done being an Lazyfoxhoggy :D
    Milla's alive?! :DDDDDDDDDD We hasn't spoken in MONTHS!!!! Tell her I'm great but missing her something terrible, so she should get back on Marr/TCoD or text me or something.
    *continues nibbling your ear* Yours are waaaay better to chew than mine. They're all long and floppeh :D *gently tugs on one with his teeth* ^o^
    How could I forget about your cameo? :3 I'll be staying at my nan's tomorrow with no Internet access, so I might get some more issues done. And then these shall be MINE *munch*
    Yays :3
    Hehe, don't feel too bad. Non-comic Mike's waaaaaaay happier single :) Yay syphilis! And yes, MikexMil shippers need to die in a fire.

    pew, pew pew

    I'm sure if you ask nicely he'll share, he has unlimited amounts of the stuff. It just comes sliiiiiiding down the prosecution desk whenever he wants some :3
    Not me, Godot. I'd never keep coffeh from meh fweind Dwagie. Not least cos I hate the stuff xD *sips tea*
    Hiya! :D

    Just to let you know; I finally finished the pic you requested and it's over at my art thread :)

    I had great fun drawing it; I've never drawn a Riolu before, and it was quite the experience X3
    Hey, if the people who wrote those First Animal Sounds books knew what they were doing they'd be famous zoologists or something.

    And if you want coffeh you'll have to fight to the death for it.
    Waddle? Are you all turning into some race of strange duck-people? That would be amazing. I like ducks.
    ...yes, and we all walk around in our bowler hats, carrying a suitcase and an umbrella saying things like "eaugh, these bally scones are absolutely spiffing, don't you know, old fruit".

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