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  • Awesome. Bubbly, exciting, active etc?
    I'm pretty much Gallade actually. Half way between Gardevoir and Gallade.
    Umm, on the picture thing;

    A. I'm your friend? Really? SQUEEEE–*shot*
    B. I look like this guy. It's the most accurate picture anyone has ever drawn of me. Or just read any of my RP human character forms. If you want you could put Olimar on my shoulder.

    Also, you can control the waitress in the Brawl RP. Everyone can.
    No, regular Shaymin is fine too, if you've already started it. One or the other is fine, really, so keep drawing whatever you're currently drawing.

    Also, thanks for drawing me! I feel loved. :3
    Yeah, a Mewtwo is fine. Thanks for drawing me! (Because the last thing I was drawn in, I was a Mew)
    *shrugs* It's fine, I was away all of yesterday anyways, so I missed everything. =D
    Yeah, pretty much that. Did you know that Snorunt Learn Blizzard at Lv 43, the level after it evolves into Glalie. Glalie learns it at level 53.
    HAHA! Nope. Glalie and Frosslass are awful. Snorunt rules. I stop them from evolving because they don't want to either! Anyway, I've got to go on a Cycle ride with my dad now.
    I've been lurking about really. I don't remember the Snorunt you're talking about actually. or do you mean my avatar? Oh well. Anyway, I'm trying to get a Pineco that's the right nature, and so far, I've failed.
    You are such a stupid ass. But yeah. Dirty smile shall work. But not too dirty....just a little bit...
    So, You're drawing a pic of you and all of your friends, right? If so, then it depends on what the majority of the rest will be. If the rest are Pokesona, then draw my Pokesona. If they are Persona, then draw my Persona.
    Hooray! Now I look at the list... theres a lot of people here...
    Yep. 20 people. I'll have to make more than one.
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