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  • Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute. Go back and read the story. Villains are not trying to carry out the decaying of worlds. They're trying to stop it as well. After all, if there are no worlds, there's nothing to take over except a big grassy field, right? The difference between them is that the villains are still villains and therefore separate from the heroes. If they were to meet, they'd definitely fight. That's why I kept them separated in the first place. And there's also the generally being meaner and using more underhanded tactics of getting info and such.

    Sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to edit your post to match.
    Cool. My character is going to be a bit more evil than those guys though. I caught Claus and Markha getting friendly *NONSENSE!* I'll show them REAL evil! Mwhahahah!

    See? i'm already in character.

    The only reason I asked for subspace to have them is because I want a entrance whilst i'm changing the universes as I speak. That would be a good opening.
    Can you also introduce me on there?
    Okay, the other villains are...
    Markha the Kangaskhan - Darksong
    Oreta the Marowak - Cryptica
    Zook the Faerie Dragon - Kali the Flygon
    Claus the Typhlosion - Male Gardevoir
    Mecha Sonic - Exo-Raikou
    Manfred von Karma - Flareth
    Viscus - Charizard Morph

    And...well, I'd rather keep it to where Subspace has the worlds that were in The Subspace Emissary in Brawl. I already have the cause of the dimensional decay planned out. Sorry...But you can still have a big opening. :D
    Well, thank you for helping! I feel all worm and fuzzy! ^_^ And yes, your friend can join.

    And eh? Could you rephrase that a bit? What about the other villains?
    You can just do a variation of what I did here. Basically, teleport in and tell them why you called them there.

    And it doesn't really matter which world you start with. Subspace is on the list, so if you like you can start there. :D
    Not much has happened, really. Most of the posts have been everyone introducing themselves, getting together and trying to figure out where to go first, so you haven't missed a lot. And the villains are just in the field gathered somewhere, so you're free to pop in whenever you get the chance and start the exposition'in.

    I really appreciate you helping out with this. Thanks much. :3
    Yeah you can be Dark Samus instead if you want. Also, you don't have to be the leader of them or anything, just the one who got everyone together. And Dark Samus can do that too. :D
    Could you do me a favor in the "Rift in the Dimensions" RP? Could you have Tabuu be the one to send the signal to the villains together? Because I want to keep them separate, and right now I have it to where Tails gathered all the heroes together. Thanks in advance! :D
    Yep, I'm fine. I guess you and I just don't hang around the same RPs. That's all right though, we don't have to have the same interests.
    Hmm. You can still sign up, we're having an epic battle outside Jubilife Pokemon Center (which collapsed) and I'm guessing you read the first post. So, we're all trying to get the Releasers.
    I think I was the last person who posted in the Music People, but I'll check. =3
    Wait! If you haven't started coloring me yet, could I have blue eyes? If you've already colored them purple, that's fine =D
    D= You can still be a Triform, I just wanted one or two Trainers. I think it was BlazieAura who wanted a Triform..? I demand you join >:3
    Wow. That's awesome. I always have a cold. I like snow though. Unfortunately, it gives me a headache when I play in it.
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