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  • Do in-game allusions belong in the In-Game humor section? If so, I've found a number of them in X/Y.
    Hi! I'm a pachirisu, and I was wondering how long the marquee of doom is [so I can prepare a time to sit through it].

    P. S. Pachirisu is better than butterfree.
    Um, my website isn't published yet, which is the whole reason I want Apache. It's asking for my server/domain name, but... I don't have one yet. Do you know how to get around this?
    What web server would you recommend on a Windows 8 computer? I can't get IIS to work because I'm not the administrator, and Apache obviously wasn't designed for Windows.
    low kick has a flinch chance of 30% in gens 1 and 2, i noticed it's not on the status ailments page as a possible flinch move
    noticed something on the type chart - twas playing around with it, adding fairy type. i went to moveset coverage mode and put in fairy and ghost as my two types. then i remembered that the data would be slightly inaccurate because of the changes to steel's defensive capabilities. so i went back to simple and made the relevant edits, and then back to moveset coverage mode.

    it still shows that i've put in fairy and ghost when i do so, only when i play around with the types, it keeps the ghost 1/2x on steel thing, even though the dark info changes accordingly. i can only assume this is because i had put in ghost as a type on moveset coverage and i guess it saved the table to show and didn't update it even when i changed ghost's offensive capabilities?
    This may just be a small thing, but I believe the forum time is two minutes faster than normal time. It's probably not a big deal, but.
    if you ever have the time or willingness to watch Arrested Development I think you should, I have a strong feeling you'd love it
    Didn't know if you already knew this (you probably do, haha) but: Tim Minchin did the music and lyrics for Matilda the Musical :)
    Yeah, it's downright strange. The girl who used to live across the street from me that I played with now has two kids. A girl I used to babysit just got married and she's about two/three years younger than we are. Plus one of my college friends is getting married later this month.

    It's like... whoa, wait, when did this happen, why are we all grown up?
    More congrats on the wedding, Butterfree!

    Geez, makes me feel older, haha. Everyone I know seems to be getting married or engaged to be married.

    Wish you two the best. :)
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