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  • Ah, man. Leaving the ends off sentences is totally my typing quirk. >>

    I think I'll just chop off the "which" and leave it at, "Heh, well, I haven't done much to promote it" in the end.
    Heh, well, I haven't done much to promote it, which

    :O Looking forward to the review!
    Hey, thanks for all those nominations in the SPPf awards. They really made my day. (You flatter me so. :P)
    Oh, I see. I guess it's good that it was changed then! I'm actually taking more of a liking to silliness than insanity, now that I think about it.
    Why was the Insanity sectioned changed to Silliness? I'm not complaining or anything, but I'm just curious. Or is there a thread that explains it...? I haven't really been on here in a while, so I'm not really sure why new and changed things are new and changed.
    Is it true that in Iceland you have to name your child one of many predetermined names? And that if your child is named something else that some people will refuse to refer to him as his name?
    Good Morning Butterfree^^

    I just wanna tell you that All Your Base Are Belong to Jirachu now >D


    PS; I'm silly x) Hope your having a nice day^^
    How did you get your Butterfree sprite to not be enveloped in the heading in your signature? Is it a specific file extension, or are you just an HTML ninja?
    According to Hippy, the plus beside people's names means they're on your contacts.
    :D! I'm a huge grump about sound myself, so I actually just skipped all the early sound-requiring panels, heh. The later ones are totally worth turning on the speakers for, though. Hope you (eventually) enjoy.
    One of these days you're going to get sucked into the comic itself and there will be no going back. ;)

    Join ussss...
    Why were you poking about on the Homestuck wiki? That would indeed be quite the experience for someone who isn't familiar with the comic.
    How long did it take you to make that, "Which Pokemon Are You," quiz? I'm working on my site, and I'm dry for inspiration at the moment.
    ohh, okay! yeah, this is the only forum I actually browse with any frequency, so I'd have no idea. well, it's up to you! I'm happy to mention it to Kratos if you want. :)
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