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  • Birthdays are good, so you best be having a good day!

    Plus, Voltic/ Bachuru is a personal fave, too!
    The gay gene episode! omg. Everything with the rats ("Is this business or pleasure?") and the imagine spots ("Gay-Away, the dust that makes the fairies go away.") and omg. Somewhat surprised they (mostly) wrapped it up in one episode, though.

    Amused by "your argument is great and everyone should hear it, so he has to go to jail" re: Owen

    Fishy puns :D And obviously the best way to get David's attention is to confront him personally. It will probably be bad news because it's ReGenesis, but then he'll feel guilty, and he does his best work when he feels guilty. Obviously, the solution is to make him feel guilty all the time.

    When Newfoundland-guy thanked David for giving him the truth about the bad news about his kid, I immediately decided the kid was going to die >> Since there has been no updates on that front, obviously it happened offscreen.

    :D Ohai yeast brothers. Saving the world with bread and beer. And properly trying to fight AIDS! I somewhat hope to see them again, but that would probably mean they died or something, so maybe they should just stay away from NorBAC, so we can pretend things were cured in the ReGenesis-verse.

    And then Connor was evil.

    God, the sulphuric acid thing... I was amused by the experiment set up, and then "pH levels as low as one" made me cringe. Then Bob had to explain it. Aaaaa.

    Also wtf David/Caroline daydream. Just. What. I mean, I'd read that bit on TV Tropes which is the only reason my eyes didn't fall out of my head, but still, what.

    But the two anti-President guys were :D "Pizza for 2 weeks!!" and also helping with the Mexico City thing. I find myself vaguely hoping they're actually trying to making vaccines in bread as well as whatever sinister plot they have going on. David, at least, was satisfied that they could.
    ... and of course PVS guy asks to die. After all, it causes more emotional anguish when you have to make that choice. And then Bob's realisation on the last letter. I was kind of like "... lul :[" when Caroline said, "I don't know if I can do this. Could you?" to Bob though. Gamelaaaan ; ;

    Also I think I missed something regarding the resolution to the orange thing. David accused the guy of using the grape vaccine, which screwed up and in order to take advantage of insurance, he planted the evidence of bioterrorism in Cuba... but then orange guy didn't know the vaccine had been used?

    What, Wes. >| We don't even get context to make it look anything but suspicious. Hm.

    re: David's dad, I don't think they've actually mentioned Alzheimer's yet, but it's fairly obvious at this point that's where they're going. And with some of David's questioning regarding memory, he at least suspects it.
    Not only do they fail a lot, but they don't get a lot of time to mourn or whatever. Yeah, sure, I'd likely like it a bit less if they were moping or whatever (that's my job), but someone takes a major hit every other episode, but the plot's moving and they have to save the world again. Well, North America. It's not even like there's any time between episodes where you can pretend they recover. Except for between seasons, maybe, if it's a six month gap like the first. I suppose one character can invisibly deal with things while two colleagues are being tormented, but.

    It's great :D I can only hope to torture my characters that much.

    I don't like seeing a lot of skin in general, male or female. >> But assuming he gets his clothes on quickly, it should be better. Somewhat.

    At 2.06 now. Normally, with the PVS guy, I'd have the general feeling he'd probably wake up and then be shuttled off somewhere so he doesn't shake up the status quo much, but in ReGenesis I'm just between "the surgery fails (and complications might make him regress to PVS or kill him)" and "he gets a horrible disease that is also threatening the rest of the population, and he dies" or something. "He wakes up, but knows it's only for an hour or so, and requests death once he slips back into PVS." Whatever causes the most pain.

    Well at least this time I can see where David's father's plot is going (and he can see it too) ... but I did not foresee the show turning to a conspiracy involving the US government. Hm.
    Ah. I see. That would be very bad and might even take out the Mafia. Well, you can always randomize actions.
    Well... Is there any inactives? If there are, you can probably just kill them off and start the day just to keep things moving.
    It is probably a good thing I only recently started looking into it, since my biology courses were pretty helpful in understanding things. Though I would've had the same advantages if I started on winter break...

    I've now watched 1.01-2.01 (I am a fake big person, Havid and Dung) and ;; Bob's dog. Whose name I don't know. That, plus Jill's paper, Mick, and Denny seem to be more significant failures than most shows allow. They can do their jobs well but their side projects are not as successful. But the dog D:

    Also, Vascily >| I really should have guessed that.

    The show's biggest problem is the occasional nudity. While it doesn't happen extremely often, they ... tend to go all the way. Almost worth it for the stripper with the mask, but overall I could do without. (Combining sex and food ruins food. Thankfully I do not like oysters.)
    Besides, ReGenesis is almost like review! Only almost, because it's more fun. And also for the wrong subject. (grate aural sects)

    I'm at 1.07, but 1.05 isn't available and will have to be hunted down later.
    There is such thing as non-addictive awesomeness! I was rather hoping it'd be that, since it would mean me preparing for my midterms instead of trying to finish the season by the end of the week. ; ;

    Though somehow I am not regretting it.
    rofl, what loss? I'm not losing anything, if anything the loss is yours but if you don't feel convinced enough - that's FINE. "I'm not going to spend hours of my life trying " I would've been more long-sighted and aware to do so long before some other guy comes telling me cryptically that I ought to, and I would've done so without needing to hear a very, very convincing reason from someone first

    But we all take different turns in life right? Plus, we all interpret things differently

    for instance; "it's pretty definitively easier for him to contact me" psychologically emotionally incorrect assumption.
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