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  • I don't "follow" you on tumblr since I don't have one so I don't really have access to the extension things lol. I'll just have to be smartr
    i was literally just about to check your tumblr and then come here to complain about the spoiler of losing on Misty and then I get spoiled for the fact that he lost his butterfree

    methinks I just need to not look at your tumblr until I am caught up on his playing lmao
    re tumblr: hugs from afar :( *hugs* never is fun to have a pet die :((((
    my cat got put down while I was in fuckign Italy and no one told me until I got back so I totally understand what you mean by the last part of the post
    Is it wrong of me to expect people to go to bed at a reasonable hour? >.> Even though I don't?
    Why were you online at 6 AM in the morning? :P

    Time zones are not an excuse, but don't feel obliged to respond.
    every time I see a post about a mechanic doing something I didn't know was a thing I literally do feel like my life is a lie. I'm so done with pokémon
    #game freak are best programmers
    It's a wonder they even managed to make anything work correctly in these games. How did they become an international multimedia sensation, again? :p

    (also I was asking about lackadaisy because i ordered something on june 30 and it is not here and the order status just says "Pending" and I've got no earthly clue what that means)
    And I guess in later gens the stat drop is tied to the status in such a way that any cure automatically fixes the stat drop too, eh? (Haven't read the stat stuff in a while, you probably already addressed this there lol)

    Unrelated question: Have you bought anything from Lackadaisy via the 4de website?
    ... so Full Heals and full-health Full Restores reset stats in RBY but no later games

    k developers
    have you heard anything about your other commission from chibipika? she (?) told me like three weeks ago that mine was done and she'd scan it ASAP but I haven't heard anything since even after I nudged her a bit
    "2. If the ball thrown is the ball that always catches the pocket animal, the pocket animal will always be caught."
    You should totally try to rewrite one of the math-y sections of the site with the Up-Goer 5. Just to see what it turns into.
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