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  • Only thing I don't like is that I gave it a nickname that I think you'll like, but when it evolves, it'll just be Pidgeot.
    Well, I'm definitely glad to see you;re still alive. I still have a pokemon I attempted to raise for you. It's a pidgeotto I raised on diamond and transferred to black.

    Do you want it?

    Yeah, hopefully someday my parents'll let me on here. So I decided to live and wait for that dayyy
    Well, I'm off to bed as well (although it's only 9:50). Examinations in two days, y'know.

    And just a question for your fic: Do you have all of the plot planned out? I mean, most major events and pivoting points?
    Of course the offer stands! I have this system with my friends where if any one of us makes a promise or even a passing statement, we hold them to that forever. Plus, I'm running out of Pokémon fanfiction to read :3.

    By the way, if I calculate this correctly, it's 11:46 pm where you live. Tsk tsk XD. Of course, since you don't have to go to school... :(
    Just a thought: Does the Teddiursa name herself "Soul"? If so, why? If not, who does?

    Primary problem: It might be just me, but I've stumbled upon that idea ten million times already. The idea is good, and it has potential, but I'm sure it would be more interesting if you put a spin on it, somehow.

    And I have no problem with random discussion. Though I'm not good at starting those. I'm very socially awkward, you see.

    I'd love to beta-read your story, if you're going to post it!
    Does the fact that you graduated mean that you don't have to go to school anymore?

    If so, :DDDDDDDDD
    But we need you! The RP is dyyying... D:

    You do, and you're welcome. x3
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