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    *sings a song about clouds*

    This is a song
    About some clouds
    And I'm not wrong
    I'll say it out loud

    CLOUDY!! Or am I not worthy enough to call you that Welcome back! :D We missedd youu!!
    Psssssst, psssssst! Aquatic said he owes you five bucks, don't let him fool you...INTERROGATE HIM!
    When you get a pass, say hai to Silv and Blade. :3

    Until then,
    Sonic Rainboom/ Mysticmoon( I changed my name!)
    Hi Cloudy!

    I...figured I'd come and let you know, this is Mewtini here. I changed names and avatars.

    I hope your next weekend pass comes soon, Cloudsong, and we're all waiting for you!
    Are you going to be able to get back soon? I hope you do. The weekend passes are supposed to come every month, right? D:
    ...Hi, Cloudsong. I figured that...for certain reasons...*sniff* I'd better give you the monthly update this time.

    1. Silver and Blade are borfriend and girlfriend now. It's such a cute little relationship, and I think they're perfect for each other!

    2. We have a few new members, as always. Mewtini in particular you have met before. While she's not exactly new, she joined while you were gone and since she has formed many bonds with many forum members such as myself, Glace, and Silver. She's really interested in conversing with you and learning more about you. I think that when you get back permanently you'll be awesome friends!

    3. You used to be part of ASB, right? Well, the entire system's been renovated now. Before you try re-getting an account, ask someone! Because it's somewhat complicated to figure out without instructions, I've heard.

    4. ...This is the one I was hoping not to get to. If your weekend pass is this weekend or the next, which is what I'm hoping, then they may or may not be here. See, Blade has been grounded or something, and Silver is really bummed about it. Mewtini (Indigo) says that Silver has basically retreated from TCoD for a bit—likely to think about the recent happenings.

    Well...How've things been going on your side? It was really disappointing that you didn't get to come home in March, but just remember—we're all here. Cloudsong, don't forget about us. We're waiting for you, just as much as we were when you left!


    April Fools' was fun, and I got some screenshots for you!!! Or, well, not that fun, but...it was a surprising day! I'll give you the screenshots when you're next back!!
    Cloooouuuuudddddyyyy! I know this will be here when you get back, so just so you know:

    Blade and I are a couple! Official dating :3
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