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  • Got bored.

    [ if at first you don't succeed ]

    By this point, Kyouko can very nearly consider it routine. Someone -- she's not sure who; it could've been her, or niichan, or Haru-chan, or Hana-chan, or someone else entirely -- had suggested that they return home for a bit. And that's a perfectly good idea! Kyouko barely sees her parents or her friends and that's one of the few downsides of being a travelling pokémon trainer.

    But ... there is something else niichan must do, too, and that is why they're back in the front of the gym. Niichan's been running into teleporters in his growing excitement and frustration for at least fifteen minutes, but she hasn't considered following him: Natsumi-san's offered to just ... teleport them to her room. But this is part of the routine, too, and her brother's not going to be satisfied until he finds it himself.

    She can wait.

    "I could just give you the badge, you know," Natsumi-san says from her perch on the entrance statue. She's wearing a surprisingly tacky pink shirt and huge green bracelets; Kyouko thinks to herself that she should go back to her jumpsuit: it looked better. ... She's not quite sure if Natsumi-san can read her mind, though, and so she blushes faintly in embarrassment.

    "That's very nice of you," she manages, "but nii-chan wouldn't be satisfied with that."

    They watch silently as he runs into a wall, then blink in unison. "Shall we go? He's nearly there. I hope."

    "That would be great, thanks."

    "Are you sure you want another gym match?" she says, slightly pained. It can't be fun for her, Kyouko supposes, having to fight the Sasagawas at least once a month and often every day that they're both in Yamabuki. Winning that battle probably lost its novelty the second time it happened, and they're on ... what, the twenthiest rematch? Something like that; Kyouko doesn't keep count. "You've earned the badge."

    "Thanks but no thanks! Getting badges without winning is extremely not extreme!" He thinks about this for a moment, then nods emphatically. "And that is why we will battle again!"

    ... Kyouko is pretty sure Natsumi-san just sighed, but she's not going to say anything.
    ... I should find a scanner somewhere ... I have an adorable little sketch of rock'd Mukuro trying to glare a crowbar into breaking the damn rock. ... It's not really working. (He'd go get Chrome to try crowbaring it open, but she already did :( it didn't work.)

    You are my favourite and my profile page is filled with awesome. It is all good.

    http://surskitty.pastebin.com/DeaK4JNH OKAY. GOING TO BED. Wrote notes for the Sasagawas and for Spanner and Shouichi! ... I love the gym challenge list for the Sasagawas. It is beautiful. Particularly the bit where they challenge Sabrina. And the bit where they challenge Sabrina. And the bit where they challenge Sabrina. (She's offered to just ... give them the badge. Multiple times! But getting badges without defeating the gym leader is the opposite of extreme.) ... Also I kind of wonder how noticeable the gyms they skipped are in the list.
    http://surskitty.pastebin.com/iyd7VbAi I decided I should actually work on ... having a useful reference for the khr/pkmn thing. I'm going to bed now, but I have notes for Gokudera and Yamamoto! I am also slowly switching to Japanese location names, too; let's see if that lasts. Also I think my character biases are showing.
    Unfortunately, I haven't looked at the secret reports in a long time. I keep loaning my game to people, and so far none of them have done all the post-game stuff, so it keeps coming back to me without that unlocked.

    Haha, I keep meaning to reread the story through from the beginning to make sure I haven't forgotten anything (else), but I keep being repulsed and not able to get through any of the early chapters. The prose at least gets a little better, but it's still stapled on top of a storyline that for the most part is the same one I came up with when I was fifteen, so.

    I can't remember that I ever had a problem spelling that!
    I'm not sure what the requirement is between fic I post on your profile and fic I PM with is, but I PMed you two bits!


    http://img574.imageshack.us/img574/4508/khrep126041.png "... and under the lie is the truth. This is the mist." :( I want to give Chrome a hug.

    http://kokusho-yukari.livejournal.com/29176.html#cutid1 I really like this song. ... Though possibly I shouldn't look at lyrics translations while writing Ryouhei fic. Otherwise 'the sun will rise' sounds kinda. ... quodlibet why are you pulling up Kyou, Kono Sora.
    I read it on the wiki this morning, atch. It made me feel stupid for not having noticed it in the few times I've played that day.

    I started a new game a short while ago, and have been so preoccupied I'm only on week 2 :P So I have no idea what my stats were before then...
    Fck yes indeed.

    I've bookmarked the fic, I shall read it when I get the time :D

    In the English version he does mention being called Yoshiya Kiryu once or twice, but I've never played SKS because... well, I don't speak Japanese. :P
    MOSTLY UNRELATED. ... I should write some of Yamamoto and the Sasagawas' gym challenges. Yamamoto does a lot of gym battles; Ryouhei does them frequently and mostly when he can convince the gym leaders to accept double battles because Kyouko hates being left out. Kyouko doesn't mind not being directly useful, but she does want to be involved, and for some reason typically it's not acceptable for people to yell advice. (And while Kyouko is entirely capable of sticking with \o/ GO ONIISAN~! \o/ Ryouhei feels weird about it.) Also I want someone with good art skills to draw Ryouhei fighting Shijima. It would be hilarious and awesome. (I actually picked Cianwood without thinking of Shijima at all, but as soon as I said Cianwood I realized exactly why they're there.)

    Haru rarely remembers that she actually owns a pokégear. They're rare in Kanto, though they do exist, and at least they're more common than ... what do people from Hoenn use? Pokénavs? And the Sinnoh pokétch.... It's a pity they can't all call each other easily; there's a fairly notable cross-service fee and usually it's simpler to rent a phone from the pokémon center whenever it's relevant. But she does own one, which is good because Kanto's the only region where people regularly get by without some way to call 119 or 110, and that's mostly because Kanto's the only region without much in the way of wilderness. As long as you're careful around Rock Tunnel and Mount Moon and you stay out of Seafoam Islands, you're probably not going to be far from someone with a home phone, and Haru's heard rumours of people actually living on Mount Moon, so even there.

    But she does own one, and with that in mind she dials one of the few wireless numbers she's ever bothered memorizing. "Hello?"

    "Hey, it's extremely Miura! I haven't seen you in ages! Where are you!" ... oniisan yells more than says, and once again Haru's thankful for the volume control.

    "Hahi? -- Could you put Kyouko-chan on?" She's not actually sure why he has Kyouko's pokégear, though from what she remembers that's not that unusual. It's still Kyouko-chan's and they've always worried a little about him accidentally crushing it. He'd replace it as soon as he could, but pokégears are expensive in Kanto and it's rare that the two are willing to go far enough from home for it to be affordable. And the warranty's been expired for a while.

    "You have an extreme phone call!" she hears Ryouhei say in the background, before Kyouko says clearly, "Hello?"

    "Aah, Kyouko-chan! Haru has an emergency!"

    "What is it, Haru?" She sounds unbothered by the whole thing, which is probably just as well given that Haru's 'emergencies' tend to consist of cake, or pajama parties, or it having been more than a month since they last saw each other.

    Haru thinks for a moment, partly on wording and partly on logistics. "Haru has a friend," she says carefully, "who is very nice but also quiet and... Haru thinks she needs lots of self appreciation! Can Kyouko-chan come to help? ... Cake isn't going to be enough, but I think it won't hurt."

    "Of course! And oniichan will come, too, if that's okay? Where are you these days?"

    "Haah, Haru and Chrome are in -- ah, what was it called? Slateport City! It's in Hoenn."

    "... We're still near Cianwood, Haru-chan," she says, slightly sadly, but it's more of a reminder that neither of the Sasagawa siblings have pokémon that can fly. Haru doesn't either, for that matter, but --

    "Chrome-chan's drifblim should be able to carry us! It won't be fun, but she is very fast, sometimes, and also very cute!"

    "That'll work! Oniichan wants to train at the gym for at least another week; Shijima-san is very impressive."

    "I WILL EXTREMELY BEAT HIM IN A BOXING MATCH," Ryouhei declares in the background somewhere, "AND HIS PRIMEAPE, TOO."

    "I'll see you soon then, Kyouko-chan! Tell oniisan I said hi!"
    Man, I hate to change it so it's no longer out of 108, but you should totally get an AO3 account so we can have adorable Haru and Chrome pokémon au antics ALL IN THE SAME PLACE yeah and then I won't feel bad about posting more bits where Chrome is alone with Mukuro instead of with Haru. Yeaaaaah. I sent an invite to your email >D so you can just click a link and register. I HAVE DECIDED THIS IS HAPPENING so now I will just wait until it does [saaaage nod]


    Haru isn't the type of trainer who travels the world challenging gym leaders, but every once in a while it seems like a good idea. Like while in Mossdeep, for example.

    (She isn't entirely sure why Chrome agreed to go to Mossdeep, though she does remember the conversation: "Hey, Chrome! Haru wants to go to Mossdeep. Does Chrome-chan want to, too?"

    "... Okay." While it would be nice if Chrome-chan was sometimes a tad less laconic, it at least made things simple.)

    She doesn't go to challenge the gym leaders right off, though; while she's definitely interested in battling the twins in a double battle (people actually do those in Hoenn! It's still strange and refreshing even after a few months there; she still expects people to look at her funny when she suggests it like they do when Kyouko-chan and oniisan bring up the idea.... What, is it expected for trainers travelling together to battle separately all of the time? That would be silly. Even Chrome agrees to double battles periodically, and Chrome's ... not the most frequent battler) Mossdeep is much, much better known for its Space Center.

    And that is something even rarer than official double battles. "Chrome-chan~!" she calls out, waving at the girl staring out the pokémon center window at the reef, and possibly out to Shoal Cave, though Haru doubts she can see it from this distance.

    "... Yes?" Chrome says, turning her head.

    "Let's go look at the Space Center!" She grins and runs over to grab Chrome's shoulder, carefully as to not accidentally hurt the girl. (Haru decides once again that she is going to make Chrome eat regularly even if she has to sit there encouragingly. There's no decent reason for her to be so skinny, and while Haru supposes that some of her lethargy could be anemia from -- things Haru doesn't like thinking about, Chrome's tendency to not eat enough certainly can't be helping. ... Maybe she can call up Kyouko-chan and they can all have Self Appreciation Day together.... Chrome definitely needs more cake.)

    Chrome, for her part, simply smiles warily and blushes slightly. "... Okay."

    Thank you, Uni.
    Is it crazy? 状況は just hazy? Is it dummy? 現状は just rummy? そうさ全部 Just a joke!

    this song kind of sucks but I am amused anyway. ... Also I put on the wrong episode damn. ... Horrible Subs does softsubs. Pity I just learned this; I have a lot of caps with text, unfortunately.
    Haru is amazed at how difficult Iemitsu's job is! He directs traffic in the desert, in the jungle, in the antarctic... and he never puts on a sweater. "It's amazing to learn what you spend your days doing, otousama!" "Haha, I agree." "... Hahi?"
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