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  • I... actually didn't, no. *shame*

    That's kind of terrifying about the 'fic thing, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
    I have a lotttttt of caps ...

    ... INSIDE MY BODY!!

    LUSSURIA'S THOUGHTS: "At any rate, he's sprouted wings. He has iffy fashion sense."

    ... Giotto. ... What are you doing.
    "Aaah, too bad~ I've only been using 80% of my power." "And I'm at fifty." ♥ badass corn
    ... Reborn called Yamamoto 'Takeshi' in a late future arc episode.

    I love leaving tons of visitor messages. WATCHING RANDOM EPISODES NOW

    MUKURO: "Illusions. Real illusions. Illusions from illusions. Illusions from real illusions. This is the Mist."
    REBORN: "Your mist is dry ice, isn't it?"
    blah blah
    HARU: "Hahi?! Is Mukuro-san a magician?"
    MUKURO: "Kufufu. You're an interesting girl, to not be afraid of me. Should I make a contract with you~?"
    REBORN: "You shouldn't do that. Haru is a cosplay fanatic. If you possess her while she's in one of her weird costumes, you'll be a laughingstock."
    HARU: "Hahi? Isn't Reborn-chan Haru's ally in cosplay?"
    REBORN: "Don't compare my disguises to your outfits."
    MUKURO: "Is that so? I also have my fair share of memorable costumes."
    HARU: "Hahi? Does that make Mukuro-san a cosplay partner, too?"
    MUKURO: "I'd prefer not to be categorized with you."
    blah blah Mukuro likes school uniforms
    HARU: "You have a very interesting hairstyle! Are you obsessed with it?"

    This is a real exchange in a real bit of the anime that is real.

    Tsuna is bad at facing the camera. It's very sad. Also, spot where Gokudera's hand is.

    I just noticed the bikkuri/big kuri pun while looking through old KHR screencaps and. I want bongore no bonguri. Sob.
    This arc was cool until it got to Chrome's bit. Holy *fuck*. I'm not sure if this is more or less creepy than Julie's segments of Inheritance Arc. Probably close to equal; they're both involving fucking Daemon Spade.

    I'm editing into this one because I can.
    ... oh my god

    Hibird beat up Colonnello and Falco


    And then, in order to get Hibari to do his duties as a guardian, Skull tries to blow up Namimori Middle School. :) He is smart.
    Poor Gokudera; G makes a better Gokudera than Gokudera does. Tsuna notices that G isn't Gokudera immediately, though, and again fairly quickly with Giotto blocking his intuition. :D

    G is good at non-American football! :O
    I started watching Primo Arc!

    12:58:32 * surskitty sticks on first episode of second khr filler arc >D
    12:58:51 <@surskitty> wow this opening theme sucks ass
    12:58:56 <@surskitty> also damn
    12:59:08 <@surskitty> did they just spoil, I don't know, almost all of future arc
    12:59:34 <@surskitty> At least they didn't show Kikyo as an allosaurus with a bunch of pet velociraptors in the opening.
    12:59:46 <@surskitty> Spoiing that in the opening sequence would be SO LAME
    13:01:42 <@surskitty> ... wow anime artists did you seriously make Uni look MORE vapid?
    13:01:58 <@surskitty> http://img560.imageshack.us/img560/8674/screenshothorriblesubsk.png also uni's outfit is still stupid
    13:07:15 <@surskitty> "Reborn, what are you doing?!" ARRANGING FOR A TRAINING ARC BECAUSE HE FREAKING CAN.
    13:14:05 <@surskitty> "Hahi, it's FULL OF BABIES!"
    13:17:15 <@surskitty> ... this storyline makes no sense
    13:20:14 <@surskitty> I'm just going to ignore the in-universe explanation and explain it as UNI IS A NECROMANCER that makes everything better

    GIOTTO: "It appears that you've run into a wall, Vongola Decimo." no, Giotto, that would be Yamamoto.

    Blah blah blah the first vongola's guardians are going to be creepy stalkers blah blah

    Oh wow Feng and Gokudera and Skull and Hibari seem like match-ups that can DESTROY THE WORLD. And of course Lambo and Verde are together. Because you know pairing up the idiot cow with the idiot mad scientist is a good plan.

    Uni is staying at Tsuna's house! Nana approves. ... I guess that sinks 27/1 >D

    Haha, Lampo thinks he's awesome and says as much to Lambo. ... Lambo is sitting on the toilet at the time.
    "[flail flail] SO WHY IS THE LIGHTNING GUARDIAN A LITTLE COW BOY!?" "Ugyaa! Don't make fun of me!" "[condescending wave] Please, you're dripping snot everywhere. FORGET IT I'm leaving. [sulks]"

    Blah blah YAMAMOTO AND UGETSU FAITO Ugetsu is like ":| why is this guy in a hurry to defeat me I just want to play my flute and then swordfight" and Colonnello's like ">/ Yamamoto is being bloodthirsty today" and Gokudera and Ryouhei are like \o/ GO YAMAMOTO!! but Tsuna is like ... something is wrong ...

    And then Ugetsu is like :| no I don't approve of you :| LOOK AT YOUR BOSS'S SAD FACE DO YOU SEE THAT FACE

    If you haven't read them already:

    Negrek's Clouded Sky, a pokémon fanfic that's the best I've read. Plus anything else she's written.

    Oh, and Shadow Wasserson is great for anything AtLA-related.
    in the middle of a vaguely dino/squalo fic I don't remember writing:
    The animal's still in the water, swimming and ... coiling... like a zombie hedgehog. He figures you need fire or a shotgun, and he has neither, so he sits on the bench next to the fountain and waits. It seems friendly.

    I found where my writing folder for my flashcart wandered off to. :3





    JULIE IS DAEMON SPADE. AND OUT FOR MUKURO'S BODY. I AM COMPLETELY SERIOUS. ... Spade why do you want MUKURO's body. It is in a jar. He is a pickle. Pickles are not good to possess.
    20:34:49 <@daikonpan> Tailsycat: don't make everyone tailsy
    20:34:59 <@daikonpan> throw in opal and me
    20:35:05 < Tailsycat> modmafia?
    20:35:17 < Tailsycat> modminmafia...
    20:35:19 < newt> mod.fia
    20:35:24 <@daikonpan> modminmafia!!
    20:35:32 <@daikonpan> tailsy and I can be the mafia, clearly
    20:35:33 < Tailsycat> i like it
    20:35:45 <@daikonpan> ... who is head
    20:35:48 < newt> mascots aren't mafia
    20:35:56 <@daikonpan> newt: really?
    20:36:12 < newt> unless they're babies I guess
    20:36:24 <@daikonpan> babies ARE pretty badass
    20:36:31 < Tailsycat> we have 15 modmins counting midnight
    20:36:35 <@daikonpan> but anyway tailsy and i would be best mafia
    20:36:46 <@daikonpan> oh and midnight I hereby declare her my minion
    20:36:47 < Tailsycat> so that's enough for a mafia!!
    20:36:54 < newt> daikonpan isn't she a global admin now
    20:37:01 < Tailsycat> no
    20:37:07 <@daikonpan> ... o_O no
    20:37:12 < newt> ... she's italics
    20:37:16 < Espeon> Yes.
    20:37:21 <@daikonpan> she's SZ head
    20:37:22 < Tailsycat> italics is for forum bros
    20:37:25 <@daikonpan> and my minion
    I just reread some of the lyrics for Destiny and D8
    いくぞ明日へ~ すすめ未来へ~ こわいものはない~ 俺は俺だ~ 俺はヒットマン~ 世界最強さ~ アルコバレーノ~ ちゃお!
    In particular the first three lines there. Reborn is calm about where he'll be in the future. ... I am sad now.
    Because I was bored, I decided to go through ficbits.txt and move things out into separate files. :3 So now I have a lot more things in ~/Documents/latenightramblings. Unfortunately I hate almost all of it. MY LIFE ;_;

    'Just a chance encounter with nobody at all.' is a good line and I should use it for something that doesn't completely suck. ... Maybe I'll rewrite that Gamma fic. Though I am sort of like =__= about Uni being mostly ooc. (I was writing it loooong before Uni popped up.) ... On the other hand I like my Uni more than canon Uni. And I can prod her into being more in line with canon without being ... canon Uni ...

    I should work on my misc genderbend AU. I have decided that female Gokudera and female Spanner are in the same universe. [sage nod]

    I was actually planning on working on band not-quite-AU but I got distracted.

    This segment is from a terrible Mukuro fic:

    "'When I grow up, I want to be a giant robot.'"

    It had been the Tenth's dream, and it was AWESOME. No one could possibly disagree! And so Gokudera found himself sitting on the (right, of course) shoulder of Sawada Tsunayoshi the Tenth Vongola Transforming Gundam.

    "Look out, Godzilla's behind you!" he cried, pointing wildly and shooting with the skull box.

    "Thanks a lot, Gokudera-kun! You're the best!" said the amazing robot man.

    The baseball idiot and the lawnhead continued to argue over who got to clean Tsuna's casing.

    ... What the hell. The rest of this ficbit is terrible, but: "No, Spanner, I will not help you find funding for a female robot."

    "Do you BELIE~VE in life after love?" Mukuro crooned loudly.

    "Are you sure this was a good idea?" Tsuna whispered.

    "It's traditional. Birthdays celebrated on the full moon on Sundays must involve as many people as feasibly possible singing and dancing."

    "But it's <i>Mukuro.</i>"

    "He's part of the Family."

    "He spiked the lemonade."

    "It adds excitement."

    "He spiked it <i>with cyanide</i>."

    "It teaches valuable lessons."

    Aaaaand of course there's the one where Mukuro bludgeoned Byakuran into submission with a refrigerator so now Byakuran needs ROBOT LEGS THAT SHOOT MISSILES. Or. something.

    "I had a puppy once," Byakuran says, conversationally.

    Aaaand one where Gokudera is a MAD SCIENTIST because he learned the important of self preservation. So now he has death rays. (Gokudera aus, I have them.)

    And one where Mukuro and Byakuran set aside their differences, abduct Irie, and conquer Belarus!

    "Lambo-san is a milking cow!"

    [mafia jedi use brute Force]
    After watching the original Star Wars trilogy, Ryohei had come to the conclusion that the jedi were <i>extreme</i>. So extreme, in fact, that he started waving one hand and yelling, "You will join the boxing club!"

    "Kangaryuu, I choose you! FIRE PUNCH!!"
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