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  • Drunk arcobaleno are drunk. And awesome. Though I think Luce might be sober! And Colonnello looks like he wasn't invited to the party.
    Eee, I felt bad for a bit because I was like 500 below my recommended for the day to finish on time when it rolled over but then I kept writing so I actually got roughly 2000 for one sleep cycle. I'll see how I do tomorrow >D

    Also I wrote a lot of bits continuing the first plotline bit. Yeaaaaah Tsuna and Gokudera \o/ I mean, it's not very good as far as my battle scenes go but it's a fight scene FAITO
    I try, I try. I'm not awesome enough to change names, though, sorry. Gotta wait for an admin on that. :/ (You should also have threadmin and infraction and VM-editing powers, though, probably! I did before I was gmodded. Try clicking on a person's name in a thread and "add to threadmin list" should show up as an option, for example. So then you can give yourself poll-fixing and thread-locking powers and whatnot!)

    Yeah, I realize the name is kind of... immature, but it's stuck and also it was free and changing it would cost money. Soooo I make do.
    So! I just threadminned you so you can (lock the thread and) edit the poll yourself! \o/ You should be able to threadmin yourself if you do need to create a new thread in the future, but yeah, taken care of for this one.

    So just click on the little "edit poll" link in the top corner of the poll itself and you should be able to change the poll options and manipulate the number of votes if someone changes their mind (you'll have to manually add in their new vote, though, since just removing a vote doesn't let the person vote again). Adding an option is self-explanatory; to remove an option you just erase that option's title and remove any votes it has. Voila! Recyclable poll!

    EDIT: wait derp Kratos is stupid yes, you will have to make a new thread because people won't be able to vote again on the old one. Wow. Duh. But if you make another mistake at least now you can fix it on your own!


    That would be quite fabulous :o

    I wish I were Machi Tobaye, I'd totally have kept my mouth shut and taken the house made of pianos.
    I know but in the panel before Zak makes him play poker he looks vaguely adorable. :c Unless I'm thinking of Feenie just afterwards.

    Also, I just invented a Daryan Crescend emoticon. L:D
    tweet tweet :3c

    [typh is sick]

    [this would normally not be a problem but auuugh i turn into beegest babby when sick]

    [you guys shouldn't need to hear my b'awwww]

    [also TWEET]
    I could make more! I have many many many many many screencaps. ... And I only used Hoenn ones there.

    He's using his skis as a baseball bat so Meowth can pitch pokéballs to him and he can hit Ash in the face with random people's pokéballs.
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