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  • no, i meant not posting about my x3 name change. :x besides people are calling me krono now.
    *saves to computer*

    Well, saboteurs who only do their work in the middle of the night are also cool. Except when they murder people.
    http://www.shonenjump.com/j/sp_reborn_spring/kabegami/no9_1440_900.html Byakuran's kind of rude. He gets pink over everything.

    I realize that I forgot to approve of your usertitle last night when I posted the final mafia results. So, I belatedly approve of your usertitle. ;)
    o: thank you~! The link is very helpful too 8D

    I have to apply physics, in more detail: the 1, 2, and 3rd laws, speed and velocity, six simple machines and then critisicms leveled at the game, then a new game element. Considering how simple the game's struture is this shouldn't be that hard.
    HEY UM i am so sorry to do this on such short notice and all but i have this project and all. computer game + physics + choosing a japanese game (thankfully the plot is straightforward; hit guy with bicycle) + due in two days = what the- what am i thinking.

    I just noticed this part and although it isn't particularly needed, is it even possible to translate this or ...what? even remotely ; ;

    EDIT: waaait never mind D: found it out.
    there is no one gender that can contain me!

    nah, it's cool. i'm boring enough to pass as both, I guess..? :'D

    Ice Cave and its ice puzzle goddamnit aaaaa
    I have far too many consoles too :P Wii, SNES, PS2, N64 and DS. Kingdom Hearts II and Final Fantasy IX are the two best games I've ever played, probably, and if you are able to experience them at any point you must. I think all FF games are still pretty expensive- Final Fantasies 7 through 9 cost me at least £25 (~$38 I think? Bah I suck at converting money oh well) but that's ok because they are fabulous.

    I don't really have any one favourite case... maaaaaybe 5-5 now, or 5-3 because that's where you first meet Kay Faraday and I love her to pieces. Otherwise, 1-3 (because the Steel Samurai is epic you big silly), 2-4, and 3-2.
    I love how they just refuse to let the "ladder=/=stepladder" thing die X3
    Tis a deal, then~
    I thought I'd have a lot more than I do, since I kind of vanished from SZ for a bit, but.

    Nope, I finished it on April Fool's Day. (No, really.) Best AA evar. But it didn't last long enough I need a new one why won't they make a new one NOW. My still-to-finish list include Final Fantasies 7 and 8, both of while I'm still on the first disc of after many, many months. So yeah, I'll be a whilllllle.
    I believe I'm asking about $7 in the thread, but haggling's fine since I want to get rid of these annoying fresh-start obstacles c:

    ...Lucia's background seems to be switching between transparent and not-transparent. That crazy witch.
    Sadly, I have far too many unfinished games at the moment to be buying more Dx Though I'll certainly check out some of these when I've ploughed through my current collection. (btw Ace Attorney, KH:[weird number] and Trauma Center:UtK? You rule :3)
    I'm currently playing Luminous Arc 1 :3 I bought it a while ago thinking "oh look a cheap JRPG why not" and I was initially disillusioned by the unorthodox level-up system so I traded it in but then saw it again ages later and bought it to try it again but they gave me Luminous Arc 2 by mistake so I got Luminous Arc 1 and played it and liked it. I'm up to the bit where Theo stops turning into a dragon. (My that was a long sentence.)

    Also I just looked back over my profile and I also have a spare Persian I missed out, if Kanto Pokémon are your thing.
    Okay <:

    (...haha I have the 69th post in the Buying, Selling and Trading Thread. I swear that number's stalking me.)
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