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  • BUT ANYWAY even when James is not with Jessie and Meowth and he starts actually thinking for himself a bit, he is still really, really easy to suggest things to. He's not like YES I WILL THINK FOR MYSELF FROM NOW ON!! until Ash and Brock are like "... why are you with them, anyway" (and then he forgets about that as soon as he sees Jessie) and he doesn't attack the metagross until someone mentions that they want to try to catch a SHINY METAGROSS. Pretty much all he ends up doing ever without someone prompting him is try to help Jessie or Meowth or random old people. He'll go off to look for medicine or keep Jessie and Meowth from robbing old people or try to help whoever fed him! -- but that's about it. :( Meanwhile, whenever Jessie gets separated from the others, she remembers to try to steal Pikachu or to milk Ash and friends for all they're worth. And Meowth just tends to tell his life story to whoever will listen to buy sympathy.

    James tends to be able to have either something vaguely approaching initiative or something vaguely approaching a brain, never both. It is very sad, but at least he can have a brain, unlike Jessie. (Her head is entirely filled with hair: this is why it can grow back so quickly whenever something destroys it.)
    there are so many of you time to freak out

    oh man cool I've been using mediafire as of late so this is brilliant

    also firefly and phineas and ferb man ._.)b
    i approve so hard man, so hard o/ i don't watch much tv nowadays but most of it is usa things

    waitwait the #irc channel

    ...am i cool enough man o: (one day i will figure out what that thread means by all it says and use #irc but that day is not today or anytime soon cause school)
    oh my fucking god

    you like psych and mika too but i'm focusing on psych now

    i-i have to quietly jizz my pants now you don't even know the unmanly squeak i uttered

    why do i have the feeling lassiter would try and get a ponyta to live his childhood dream of 'omg a pony'

    ALSO YEAH hurr hurr i know. i mostly use MSN nowadays. Doesn't stop the VM's though! D'you have one? cause it'd be awesome to talk on there with you o:
    Good! I'll generate roles and send out stuff in a moment.

    I'm... at uni? I have to go to Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Media in like two and a half hours, and then I have compsci (PYTHON! :O also token liberal arts major haha). Annnnd. ... I dunno.
    [shrug] I have no clue if you were or not! But I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to join the game thing and if you're not listed I will just have to start and say AND ALSO MIDNIGHT.
    Too bad they are closed on Sundays cause otherwise there would be no reason to eat elsewhere. You should like bring your foster family some waffle fries at least.
    Yess Gunnerkrigg. Digger and Phoenix Requiem are also great. And so are The Dreamland Chronicles and Daisy Owl and... My 'Comics' folder in my Favorites is divided up by day, soooo I'm much better than you are at this.

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