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  • i was sad when the big dude who gave his life in the games for katniss to win (i forgot :c) died :c

    ALSO have you read mocckingjay b/c i just learned something sad

    I would make it if I didn't suck at roleplay
    nyaaaaaa hunger game was awesome. I read it a few months ago and I loved it. another holiday book addiction.

    ... last year's was the percy jackson series.
    i never finished catching fire :/ got halfway through it, put it down for five minutes, left it.
    Yeah... still out. Only typing this because I dragged my laptop out in front of a coffeeshop that wasn't shut down.

    Yeah... still out. Only typing this because I dragged my laptop out in front of a coffeeshop that wasn't shut down.

    Hey... welp wouldn't you know it a snowstorm knocked out my internets... on christmas. :/ so i don't know how long i'll be out for... i wish you and all the hoes the happiest of crimbos and i hope i won't be knocked ovt for long! ;^; (sent this from phone btw)
    ...right as I ask Moony to tell the same thing in case you didn't get it.
    I dunno if you've got another way of fagging about or what, because this computer won't open MSN for fuck-all knows why.
    Tell the hoes I might not be able to get in tonight. Internet's acting funky.
    I'll try, but no guarantees.
    Very nice picture of Marie you did. x3 She's proving quite an interesting character so far. Would you be up for a little plotting sometime?
    I see you want Left4Dead 2. I just so happened to have bought the 6 pack today, so I was just asking if you want one?
    Okay, cool. Just need to wait for Blazhy or Blastoise to finish reffing so I can lose already and start another battle.
    So I just noticed that fakemon-only restriction on this. I would challenge you (since I think I'm one of the only four or so people who actually has more than one), but I'm currently in four battles atm. At least one should probably end soon, though, so unless someone else takes you up on it first (and if they do, by all means battle them instead)... :D?
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