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  • Well that explains the last minute character sheets in the pms. Hm, I'll pm you more often even if it's just a hello. It's always nice sharing ideas but not how this went, unfortunately.

    Dwagie sent me a message. Still I'm a bit fiery and more open abut my anger considering how late it is so I told her all I had to because I needed to let it out, I needed her to understand what happened in the FIRST RSP when a certain someone took control and threw legendaries into the game because he and a few others felt "Creative." I'm happy I can be honest but not sure how she will take it. You seem to get me better because we've known each other a lot longer and well, alreay know our tempers about birth X3

    As for your idea, it sounds nice. And even if it becomes a hassle in the RP we can make something like a social group to get them adjusted before they enter the actual RP. We and maybe one or two others can moderate it and the like. You are brilliant. ^<

    *Resending Invite*
    ~KQ T_T...O_-...>.>...^^
    Thanks for doing this as calmly as possible...I am undergoing a rough year and it isn't any of you guys' fault but the small things I see that are probably peeves of my own are irritating me even more than usual considering how upset I am when I come home from school. However, when rules are broken and I am put down because someone can't agree with them after joining I don't tolerate it and that is when people cross the line.

    Well, about the issues-you are right about some things unspecified like the eggs but like you and Zora I had assumed otherwise not ever imagining you'd change something like birth so of course stating such things never crossed my mind till you brought it up AFTER you two had come up with plots. To correct such things I would and always do appreciate when I am told before hand so that as you build up on something you might want to ask about there will be no disputes or bickering of the sort.

    Now about the issue at hand with the limiting of the way the RPers create things for their characters. The self-centeredness of characters in events have lately been increasing and are starting to get out of hand. The fact that I allowed you all for this second attempt at the RSP after the forum crash to create your own mini events was a way to prevent the chaos from the first one where Darkrai came out of the blue because so-and-so said so and only knew the way to defeat it, etc. I wanted to enable freedoms but to an extent so that nobody felt they were insignificant if person A has about 8 plots all giving special recognition to his/her character and they can hardly make 2. Sure, Fafneer might shine a bit more but it's natural since he's the leader and main character of the main plot but I won't make him godly or invincible or even capable of fixing everything. This became apparent when he failed to kill his mother and couldn't do much when Ed had left. I permit long plots and I am fair about allowing things and only have this approval system so that something rash, cliche or corruptive to the main plot situations are avoided and I'll know what to do be it that there is something you would like to keep within a group of characters and the like is something I can be aware of. But the fact that Dwagie wants to do things on her own accord without telling anyone anything and breaking rules I left that are quite simple and eligible is insulting.

    She says she speaks for everyone as in you, Zora and a few others but we managed to kep things in order. If there was something pissing you off as she puts it then why wouldn't you say something?

    The way the RSP has stayed strong was due to organization, cooperation, and trust. With it we've had a blast but as they grow shaky so does the enjoyment and the increase in arguments. I trust you all to be honest and to follow my requests having allowed you to join in on the fun but it hurts my feelings badly when things like this happen and I lose it like I'm about to on Dwagie's post in the lounge. I don't want to be angry-to be as blunt and raged as I happen to be because of this but I can only say, "Yes-I'm fine" when I can trust you all again. (And when I say "you all" I mean whoever is throwing a fit about my rules.)

    I love help and I love you guys but right now the only thing I NEED to do is fix this problem. Hell, I dunno if I even spelt everything right. *pulls own hair* You want to help me? Well then find out what in Dwagie's right mind gave her the right to lecture me like this when all was fine-tell me what's kept you from saying anything if there truly is a problem-tell me why following a quck set of directions such as "hey guys, I promised we'd be seeing Fushi after the halt so make quick posts before we go," has become demanding when all this time you've wanted this? Cookies I love you so help me see what I'm not getting because apparently I'm missing something unless everything I'm saying is being ignored because now it's all controlling and a "dictatorship." =(

    This message wasn't an attack but an explaination to what everyone annoyed is nagging me about as well as a cry of confusion because what you are saying is totally fine to deal with but what Dwagie is coming at me with is something I'll lose my nerve for. Thank you for talking to me, I didn't like that she was speaking for "everyone."

    ~KQ ^^...O_O....-.-...T_T
    asaaaaa want. now where to track it down *seaches*

    you know this may hold the recod as fastest anime typh gets hooked on.

    ...then again, it's the only one. I don't watch anime much, unless you count the occasional Gurren Laggan episode. I'm more of a manga reader.

    Pshhh, if Alphons is anything like Al, then of course it is. x3
    Hello. I was wondering if you were still interested in continuing your battle with Blaziking; I was planning to e-ref it, but since it's like the oldest thing ever I thought you might have given up with it or something.
    Alright. Until he finds the material he'll carry the kits in his bag. He'll just have to moves some stuff into the outer pockets for them to fit...and line them with stuff so the kits won't pee in the bag.

    He'll find something to make a sling out of.
    Sure. He'll just need the Material for it...or, he could put the kits in his bag.
    Not at home. We stopped at my Grandparents in the middle of our drive around to look at the lights.
    hm. I don't have the avi on my side account..but i didn't get it either from looking at him either. Odd.
    Ok. I'm going to look at Seto on my side account. Didn't think of it last night from lack of slumber
    For some reason, it looks like you mixed the Crow, the Dragon, and the Demon in a pot and came up with this.

    I don't know why.
    And when the it seemed the heat of battle was starting to burn the ones fighting to save their own kind from the darkness of the underground, the Guardians within them came to create a plan that would either save them or consume them with the power they are to create.

    The Guardians leave the hosts they protect and came together before them in the battle, twisting their forms and blending their powers together to create the ultimate power ever to be conceived.

    'We will not allow you to kill our hosts. It shall end here. We are the Monster that lurks and devours the Flesh, Soul, and Mind of those that wish ill of us. Prepare to die whelp.'

    ...............Yes. That is what I though of after seeing this pic. And now...we must do this in the RP for the epicness....
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