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  • Heh, no problem. I finished the ad banner by the way, and there's a total of 34 moves on the Attacks/Abilities Guide. Give a few of your friends the link already. I want a few people to be there already when I put the ad banner and link in my sig.

    Here's a link to the ad banner, if you're curious. It's nothing special, though.
    Huh? You started advertising? You're awesome, KQueen!
    And sure, I'm fine doing it by myself. I like typing ;]
    Oh, I told my other friend here in a PM about, she said she'd love to be the third contest judge, she just hasn't registered yet.
    That's all right, it's an excuse to not do my homework. But my mom doesn't understand how important Pokémon and these forums are to me. I don't know the English word for what she said, but it's best translated as "fooling around" or something like that. She thinks it's all just...crazy little kid's stuff. I wish she was more like Butterfree's dad...

    It surprises me how dedicated we are O_o
    eh? you can't see that memo box thing? in the paragraph somewhere towards the end I say the password...ah wells, I'll PM you.
    I was working on the Ad Banner yesterday and I think it's pretty good, considering how bad my oekaki skills were...
    If you check the Admin CP (there's a link next "log out", which is next to your username at the top), there should be a little memo box thing and it says the password there somewhere. Also, do you have access to the Mod CP?
    I'll take care of ribbons. The trophy will only be in the Grand Festival, which we'll open once a year. As for ASB stuff, a free catch/evolve, just like if you win an ASB. The Grand Festival will happen in...Late July or August (we should be done by then) so we have the advantage of it being at least starting during our summer vacation. We'll discuss Grand Festival prizes when we finish these basic things.
    Oh, yeah. For the battles, rate each attack 1-10. Five is the standard, if it's not particularly pleasing or disappointing. Points are added and subtracted as the ref sees fit. Yes, every attack will be rated, and the battle score is added to contest score. The winner of the battle gets additional points (you decide the amount) and the loser loses the same amount of points. Winner of the contest is determined by the final score.
    You mean, like my ASB card at LDQ? I suppose...make it an "optional but recommended" thing. I'll take care of making that thread when I finish my ASB projects.
    They're two separate things. You can be an ASB ref and not a contest judge, or vice versa. If you want, you can be both. Or neither. They also have separate apply threads. So everyone can do what they enjoy =]
    That should be optional, just like ASB. But, in the Contest Hall (not Contest Stage or Arena or whatever I named the forum), there should be a sort of Profile Thread, like the Profile Archive at TCoD's old ASB. That should be optional too, but state somewhere that it is recommended, especially so the admins/mods can see that they are not cheating. The teams used will be the same as the ASB teams an such, but they obviously get to choose which Pokémon participate. There should also be double battles and double appeals, just like the animé had before.
    If you want to. As long as we finish our projects at around the same time, so the forum can be released ASAP. Right now, I'm replying to the RSP, your messages, and typing up the Team Approval Thread.
    I feel so uncomfortable when I'm not multitasking =P

    Oh, and I've grown so attached to your RP that now, when something happens to Wisp, I feel just like she's feeling during the RP. Like, when Ed was attacking Fracture, I was mad =P And I felt lonely when she was hiding in the shadows =P
    Heh, I know =P
    I changed my mind, I like this guy!
    Nah, that wouldn't happen in a million years! ;]
    They give a helluva lot of award money for battles, even for the loser. It won't be long before one of the refs has like $5,000 or something...
    Hmmm...okay, but remember - It's animé style. It's not exactly like the video games, it's as if it was real life.
    And if you remember anything from TCoD's old contest system, feel free to use that too.
    Also, you're an admin now =]
    Sure, I'll add that in as part of ASB.
    I'm trying to make it as similar to TCoD's old ASB as possible. I'm going by memory here, but I've almost memorized the damage and energy formulas, so that won't be a problem.
    The problem is, I'll have to invent the contest stuff, since I never participated in a TCoD contest...Oh well. I was doing the user titles yesterday, since I felt like spriting anyways.
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