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Crazy Linoone
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  • Well I don't want the battle to end until it actually should, so...
    His profile says that he hasn't been online since the 16th. How about we give him until he next logs on? Or alternatively make an exception and post this once and hope no-one notices.
    That would be RIDICULOUSLY exciting! People would pay money to see that. The fun would keep going until one of them got tired of splashing!

    I wish our homework was worth more, though. I usually do most of it, because I need the practice. It's nice to have homework bump up your grade if you usually get Bs on tests like I do.

    Yeah, it was probably a calculation error. My teacher missed a couple of weeks of school, so I'll have to check with him when he gets back. I think other than that, I was okay!

    You're welcome! It's funny; how I barely make the A- level myself in English. (Good essay scores; poor oral scores).

    Oh, okay. That is awesome! :D If the school doesn't approve that, they're cruel... :D

    Well, staying consistent with the earlier theme...Rather Scrumptious if Fried in Batter and Served with Curly Fries?

    Oh, and I thought of a calc question...How do you evaluate the integral of something that has a polynomial raised to a certain power in the denominator? Like...1/(4x-2)^4 or something along those lines? I know that if you're taking the derivative you'd do the chain rule, but how would you do that for an integral?
    Sorry if that was unclear. :) We've only just started integration.
    (slow Blazhy is slow) Well this time Opera came up with this thing called tabbed chats! It's pretty convenient until I realize I tend to forget about everything in the grouped tabs...

    Well my entire class is basically made of Asians... Gifty Asians, at that. I've made a hail team, but I'm finding it hard to actually use Stallrein well... in fact most of the kills go to Glaceon (scarf with super-high special attack and 100% accurate Blizzard gogogo).
    That's actually probably a better strategy... My brother gets pissed sometimes when I give him another truckload of food. Even his stomach has its limits.
    My mom can go into a semi-shopping spree mode (for an Asian that is), but I always ask her "are you sure you need that" and then she sulks and returns it. Yay for more-hardcore-Asian-than-their-moms kids o/\o
    What's the difference if it's infused with fruit...? o.o Speaking of citrus peel you know that dried orange peel stuff? I dunno why but I'm suddenly craving that. *drool*
    Or maybe they just enjoy working my brain. ;~; My brain is lazy it does not want to be worked.
    I'm pretty sure I've had that canned shark fin soup before, but hey, when it comes to food I'm all "EAT EVERYTHING OMNOMNOM" so I didn't really notice the difference 8D;
    You've... never had lobster otherwise? D: Don't a lot of restaurants have a bunch of lobsters just sitting in tanks? Why don't you order lobster there, or something?
    Funnily enough the only time we actually use the oven is to bake my clay sculptures 8D; Don't ask me why rofl. Maybe my mom's just too lazy to use the oven.
    Well, unAsian it might be, but if it helps he's one of the aforementioned hardcore gifty Pokemon nerds.
    :D So since this is like 19 days late, how are your eyes now?
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