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Crazy Linoone
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  • I was actually looking through Natu's moveset when I was considering who to send out and I was all "BAH only Giga Drain and Solarbeam Kwak'waka won't last long enough to make much use of either :D" Haha boy was I wrong.

    Naww, you're more awesome than I am for killing a perfect-condition Pokemon with one with ~70% health and energy~
    OH I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR. I sent out Khionas because #1 I thought Seel were part ice *shakes fist* and #2 I wanted her to evolveee D: But yeah, I didn't even realize how shallow Seel's movepool was before I bought Khionas ._. I just wanted more ice-types haha
    I try to be funny but I don't think it ever works :U You're honestly probably one of my favourite refs.

    Haha, yeah, Lutchrium did well. I think it was those Calm Minds that turned it around. Why doesn't Seel get Haze raaa
    ... also I swear I thought Seel was an ice-type. o.o
    You should have him keep changing into various bird Pokemon.

    Change yourself into a magikarp next!
    'In the beginning, there was nothing.

    Then, there was Linoone."

    I laughed.

    Also GG in advance. :3 I thought I had that in the bag, but you certainly turned things around~ See this is why you should be best battler and not me OTL;;
    Oscar is watching your battle you're reffing for squorn and Barybooboo and watching you get turned into a gastrodon is funny enough for him.

    ((you should add the ostrich audience to the reffing. Watch no one get the joke.))

    He demands you keep turnign into torturous species.

    Oscar says it isn't enough. You made him feel so much angst, he wants to see you suffer.
    You are welcome.

    Oh, he's boosting the power tenfold and aiming at your head.

    Oh dear, he really carries a grudge.


    *three streams of carbon dioxide spray from the walls* YEAH, THAT ONE!!!

    ((I love SHIFT))

    Excellent. Just watch out for the *ZZZAAPOWWWKKZAA* backblast. YOU INCINERATED YOURSELF. are you okay?

    dont sue me
    No, use the Particle Beam, but go to China and kidnap some random male subject.

    Actually it is, but it is is made by our slave. He is a great cook.
    Thank you. The parakeet is Russian so warm up the teleporter and if he's hostile, the Particle Beam.(tm) And Oscar summoned a slave to do the table. The slave? A disembowled Crocodille.

    You are welcome.
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